Part 51 (1/2)

There was an answer in her silence.

”He writes to you. That means a great deal--a very great deal.”

”What do you want from me?” cried the tortured girl.

”Reparation,” was the grave answer.


”To Mrs Matheson--to his wife.”

”What more can I do than I have done?”

”Doesn't your heart tell you?”

”I'm torn with----”

”With love for him. I know. I know. I'm asking from you the biggest sacrifice of all--for his sake and for her sake. While she lives, give her back what happiness you can,” Larssen's voice had lowered almost to a whisper.

”What more can I do than I have done?”

”Much more. Write to Matheson definitely and finally. Send him back to his wife. She is to cruise on board the 'Starlight'--a yacht of mine--with my little son. Send Matheson to meet her on the yacht.”

”And then?”

”Then they will come together again. I'm certain of it. I've seen Mrs Matheson and read the change in her feelings. She'll be a different woman now.... Can you see to write?”


”Then write to Matheson what your heart will dictate to you,” said Larssen gently.

Presently he resumed: ”Where is he now?”

”At Nimes.”

”Ah, yes--the trial.”

”It should be finished to-day.”

”Then Matheson will probably be returning to London to see me. There's no need for him to hurry back. He could board the 'Starlight' at Boulogne or any other port he might prefer.”

”Isn't May 3rd the day that ends your agreement?” asked Elaine.

”It is; but I'll extend that date.” Larssen took from his pockets a fountain-pen and a sc.r.a.p of paper and scribbled a few words on it, signing his name underneath. ”Suppose you enclose this when you're writing to Matheson? It extends our agreement until May 20th.”

He pa.s.sed the paper to her.

The power of the human word, of the human voice--how limitless it is!

Larssen, master of word and voice, had Elaine convinced through and through of his sincerity in the matter of reconciling husband and wife.