Part 48 (1/2)

”She tried to make me believe that she wanted a divorce and would let the suit go undefended.”



”You saw through it at once?”


”Then what's made you switch?”

”Why shouldn't I change my mind?” countered Olive coldly.

Larssen summed her up now with pin-point accuracy. Jealousy had worked this transformation. She wanted her husband because the other woman wanted him. And he, Larssen, was dependent on Olive's whims! The flotation of his Hudson Bay scheme hinging on her momentary fancies!

The fighting instinct surged up within him. He could look for no help from Olive--it was to be a single-handed battle with Clifford Matheson.

Well, he'd give no quarter to anyone--man or woman!

Aloud he said, with a perfect a.s.sumption of resignation: ”What do you wish me to do?”

”I don't know. I want you to suggest.”

”I suppose Sir Francis knows all about everything?”

”No; I've told him nothing. He still believes Clifford went to Canada.”

”That simplifies matters.”


”I've got the glimmering of a plan. Let me work out details before I put it before you for the O.K.... As I see the problem, it's this. You want Clifford to cut loose from Miss Verney. You want him to return to you.

You want me to use that signature to my Hudson Bay prospectus to induce him to return.”


”You're making a mistake.”

”In what?”

”Never try to force a man's feelings in such a matter. Get him to persuade himself. Let him return of his own free will or not at all. Now my plan, if it works out right, will do that.”

”What _is_ the plan?”

”Give me time to get details settled. Is Clifford in London?”

”I don't know where he is.”

”I suppose I could get his address through Miss Verney?”