Part 40 (1/2)

”I want to telephone,” said Elaine in her halting German.

”But the telephone is downstairs!”

”You must lead me there, nurse.”

”No; I cannot do that. It is against orders. The doctor has forbidden you to leave this room, Fraulein.”

”I must! I tell you I must! It's----It's--oh, what is the German for 'vital?'”

The nurse shook her head uncomprehendingly.

Elaine rose from her couch and stumbled with outstretched arms against the nurse.

”Please lead me to the telephone and get me my number!” she cried in an agony of anxiety.

”It is against orders. Come, you must lie down again and keep quiet.”

There was a brisk rap at the door, and Dr. Hegelmann came in to see how his patient was progressing.

”What's this?” he exclaimed, seeing Elaine standing up and the nurse trying to persuade her to return to her couch.

”Doctor, please let me telephone!”

”To whom?”

”To Mr Riviere. I must speak to him quickly--I _must_!”

”Nurse, do as Fraulein asks,” he ordered briefly.

The nurse made no comment, but led her patient downstairs at once, found the telephone number of the laboratory at which Riviere had his research-bench, and called for the connection.

”What do they say?” asked Elaine after a torturing wait.

”They ask me to hold the line.”

Again a very long wait.

”What do they say?” asked Elaine again.

”Wait a little.... Yes, I'm here.” ... ”Mr Riviere has just left the laboratory.”

”Where has he gone?” prompted Elaine.

”Where has he gone?” ... ”They do not know.”

”But I _must_ find him!” cried Elaine. ”Try his hotel, please.”

The hotel people knew nothing of Riviere's whereabouts.