Part 3 (1/2)

”Jimmy!” There was a note of pleasure in the young man's voice.

”The same,” confirmed Jimmy Martin. He was a tubby, clean-shaven, rosy-faced little fellow of thirty odd, with an inexhaustible fund of good spirits. Everyone called him ”Jimmy.” Dean had known him as a reporter on a London daily paper and a fellow-member of a local dramatic society in Streatham.

”Why are you here?” asked Dean.

”Strictly on business, my gay young spark. My present owners, the _Europe Chronicle_, bless their dear hearts, want to know if La Belle Ariola”--he waved his hand towards a poster which showed chiefly a toreador hat, a pair of flas.h.i.+ng eyes, and a whirl of white draperies--”is engaged or no to the Prince of Sardinia. I find the maiden coy, not to say secretive----”

”I wish you could help me,” interrupted Dean eagerly.

”If four francs seventy will do it--my worldly possessions until next pay-day----”

”No, no, this is quite different.” He drew Martin outside into the street and whispered. ”To-night, as I happen to know, an Englishman walking along a back street by the Place Pigalle was followed by two _apaches_.”

”A week-end tripper, or somebody with a flourish at each end of his name?”

”Somebody worth while. Now I want to know particularly if anything happened.”

Martin nodded in full understanding. ”Come along to the office about ten to-morrow morning, and I'll tell you if anything's been fired in from the _gendarmeries_ or the hospitals. What did you say the man's name was?”

Dean shook his head.

”Imitaciong oyster?” commented Martin cheerfully. ”Very well, see you to-morrow. Meanwhile, be good. Flee the giddy lure. Go home to your little bed and sleep sweet.” There was seriousness under his good-natured banter. ”Come along and I'll see you as far as the bullyvards.”

Arthur Dean went with him, but did not return to the Grand Hotel. He found a small hotel for the night, and next morning at ten o'clock he was at the office of the _Europe Chronicle_, an important daily paper published simultaneously in Paris, Frankfort, and Florence.

Martin came out from the news room into the adjoining ante-room with a slip of ”flimsy” in his hand.

”Was your man hefty with the s.h.i.+llelagh?” he asked.

”He carried a big, gold-mounted stick.”

”Then here's your bird.” He read out from the slip of paper: ”Last night, shortly after twelve, a certain Gaspard P---- was brought to the Hopital Malesherbes suffering from a fractured skull. This morning, on recovering consciousness, he states that he was attacked without cause by a drunken Englishman, and struck over the head with a heavy stick.

His state is grave.”

Dean felt a warm wave of relief. He thanked the journalist cordially and was about to leave, when the telephone bell rang sharply in the adjoining news room. The sub-editor in charge took up the receiver.

”_Ullo, ullo! C'est ici le Chronicle_,” said the sub-editor, and after listening for a moment signed imperatively to Martin to come in and shut the door.

Presently Martin came out from the news room bustling with energy and took Dean by the arm. ”You specified two _apaches_, didn't you?” he asked, and hurried on without waiting for an answer. ”One was probably the injured innocence now at the Malesherbes and cursing those _sacres Angliches_, but the other lies low and says nuffink. That's the one that interests me. Come along in my taxi and watch me chase a story.”

Stopping only to borrow fifty francs for expenses from the cas.h.i.+er's wicket, Martin hurried his friend into a taximeter cab and gave the brief direction: ”Pont de Neuilly.”

Three-quarters of an hour later they had reached the bridge at the end of the long avenue of the suburb of Neuilly and had dismissed the cab.

”Now for our imitaciong Sherlock Holmes,” said Martin. ”The 'phone message was that a man had found a fur coat and a gold-mounted stick under some bushes by the left bank of the Seine four hundred metres down stream. He was apparently some sort of workman, and explained that he had no wish to be mixed up with the police. On the other hand, he felt he had to do his duty by the civilization that provides him with a blue blouse, bread, and bock, so he 'phoned the news to us.... Wish everyone was as sensible,” he added, viewing the matter from a professional standpoint.

Three hundred yards down, they began to look very carefully amongst the bushes that line the water's edge. It was not long before they came to the object of their search. Under an alder-bush they found it--a heavy fur-lined coat sodden with the river water, and a gold-mounted stick.

The maker's name had been cut out of the overcoat; its pockets were empty.