Part 28 (1/2)
”Have you seen young Hoffman to-day?” asked Marlowe.
”He don't know we're going to call Monday night, does he?”
”No,” said Julius, and he answered truly. ”Where could he find out?”
”You might say something to let him know.”
”What would make me do that?” said Julius boldly.
”You might think he'd pay you for telling him.”
”He ain't rich,” said Julius.
”Do you know what I'd do to you if I found out as you'd sold us,” here broke in Jack Morgan, his dull eyes gleaming fiercely. ”I'd kill you.”
”What makes you say that to me, Jack?” said Julius, not showing the fear he felt.
”Oh, it ain't nothin' to you, then?”
”No, it isn't.”
Of course this was a falsehood, but it would have been idle to expect the truth from one like Julius, under such circ.u.mstances. He knew Jack well enough to understand that he was quite capable of carrying out his threat, and it decided him, when the two went out, to go out himself and not to return. They might find out that he had been dealing falsely with them, and if so his life was in danger. It was yet early, and he decided to go out at once, as he usually did, for it was not very agreeable to pa.s.s an entire evening in the miserable tenement rooms.
”Where are you going?” asked Marlowe, as he lifted the latch of the door.
”I'm goin' out. I haven't had any supper.”
”You can do without supper to-night, eh, Jack?”
”Yes, he can do without supper to-night.”
”Why? What's up?” demanded the boy.
”Never mind what's up,” answered Marlowe. ”You ain't goin' out to-night.”
”I'm hungry.”
”We'll bring you some supper. We're goin' out ourselves.”
”You never kept me in before,” said Julius, who felt that it was best to show surprise at the action of the confederates, though it did not surprise him.
”That's neither here nor there. You ain't goin' out to-night.”
”All right,” said Julius, ”if you say so; only bring a feller some grub.”
”We'll bring you some,” said Jack, who was not as fully convinced as his comrade of Julius' treachery.
They left the room, carefully locking the door behind them.