Part 5 (1/2)



Monsieur and Madame Dalize could not help smiling in listening to this frank declaration of their daughter: ”It will be Paul Solange.”

Monsieur Roger smiled in his turn, and said,--

”What! has Miss Miette already made her choice?”

”It is an amusing bit of childishness,” answered Madame Dalize, ”as you see. But, really, Miss Miette, although she teases him often, has a very kindly feeling for our friend Paul Solange.”

”And who is this happy little mortal?” asked Monsieur Roger.

”A friend of Albert's,” said Monsieur Dalize.

”Albert, your son?” said Monsieur Roger, to whom this name and this word were always painful. Then he added,--

”I should like very much to see him, your son.”

”You shall soon see him, my dear Roger,” answered Monsieur Dalize.

”Vacation begins to-morrow morning, and to-morrow evening Albert will be at Sainte-Gemme.”

”With Paul?” asked Miss Miette.

”Why, certainly,” said Madame Dalize, laughing; ”with your friend Paul Solange.”

Monsieur Roger asked,--

”How old is Albert at present?”

”In his thirteenth year,” said Monsieur Dalize.

Monsieur Roger remained silent. He was thinking that his little George, if he had lived, would also be big now, and, like the son of Monsieur Dalize, would be in his thirteenth year.

Next day the horses were harnessed, and all four went down to the station to meet the five-o'clock train. When Albert and Paul jumped out from the train, and had kissed Monsieur and Madame Dalize and Miss Miette, they looked with some surprise at Monsieur Roger, whom they did not know.

”Albert,” said Monsieur Dalize, showing Monsieur Roger to his son, ”why don't you salute our friend Roger?”

”Is this Monsieur Roger?” cried Albert, and the tone of his voice showed that his father had taught him to know and to love the man who now, with his eyes full of tears, was pressing him to his heart.

”And you too, Paul, don't you want to embrace our friend?” said Monsieur Dalize.


”Yes, sir,” answered Paul Solange, with a sad and respectful gravity, which struck Monsieur Roger and at once called up his affection.

On the way, Monsieur Roger, who was looking with emotion upon the two young people, but whose eyes were particularly fixed upon Paul, said, in a low voice, to Monsieur Dalize,--

”They are charming children.”