Chapter 59 (1/2)

What Came to Mind During My Third Time in Another World Chapter 59

11th May 2016 by NightHaze 4 Comments

Sorry for waiting , some words underneath and beside there is a raw version , if someone does not understand my translation results . I want put that raw to below but i don’t how ?  And that katakana is skill that difficult to translate . Umm…Enjoy  Chapter 59

『The Axe plant castle: practice open s.p.a.ce』


the sound like a sword tearing to air.


This sword ―― 《Criminals judgement sword Criminal Darkness 》 no matter how many time i swing it .  There is nosense that pulled out the『true power』 .


It is different, like this is not.

That woman , Kazuha Axeplant , such swordmans.h.i.+p, and that woman did not use 『cursed sword』.

That day, handling a sword which knocked down that head of 『Hero』 in the『Cathedral』 as if twist a baby.

Moreover, the story that i heard later, It possessed by soul from the past , that is 《 the king of spirits》 in that hero.


I flash with all one’s might to the sky

After that, the kind sound which break ear .


I put away the demon sword in the sheath and wipe the sweat.

[Fuofuofuo… usual 『Misfortune warrior』again]

Unnoticed small oldman appear in near place.

[……Since when you there? ……as usual old man that cannot be predict, Zegius]

Zegius Bahamut.

The legendary blacksmith and  master to 『two sword style』 in dwarf tribe.

And, it knows the secret of Kazuha, Person of the only excluding me.

[Foffoffo. That is , the figure which works hard to a sword dance while the young lady nice body drips sweat, I wear the skill so as to peep out in secret ,Alzein]

Zegius laughs while touching at a long mustache.

[……when old man say something like Graham , who is a ladies’ man habit  ,it is unsightly]

After  glare, i go to the nearby well.

And, i meet a rare person in the well.

[….Hee,  rare that person here]

There was the figure of former demon lord among several small birds there.

[……..Alzein Neidhart?]

When I was cautious of having approached ,the small birds fly to the sky .

[Ha,『Former demon lord』who together and chat to small bird in well? It is the thing which became peaceful in the world]

I turn a killing intent to former demon king – – Selenust Granzyme 8th.

[……..What your intention?? Alzein]

Selen which drops the eyebrows at killing intent .

[『What your intention』? That not value word ? On earth I do not know it what kind of process you became a friend of Kazuha .  …….. are you stupid , not understand that yourself did till then?]

(『何のつもり』? ……それはあたいの台詞なんじゃぁ無いのかい? 一体どういう経緯でお前がカズハの仲間になったのかは知らないが……。それまでに自分が(・・・)して来た事(・・・・・)が分からないほど、お前は阿呆では無いんだろう?)

I pull out a devil sword from a sheath.


Kazuha surely did 『dealing』 with me on that day.

And according to promise 『Cursed sword』is entrusted to Zegius, Thanks to it Kazuha come running to the case 『capital invasion』 and it was possible to answer.

However, there wasn’t what Kazuha entrusted me with 『Cursed sword』 which took away from this demon king – – Selen.

Kazuha entrusted me with 『Cursed sword』 which oneself already had.

[Fu…… 『personal grudge』?……. Whose enemy? Were you in adventurer who invaded the demon castle directly and also in《 hero candidate 》the acquaintance or the family? ……even if , she had all the rust of this sword 《Criminals judgement sword Criminal Darkness》 ……..]

( (「ふっ……。『私怨』、か……。誰の敵(かたき)だ? 直接魔王城まで攻め入って来た冒険者や《勇者候補》の中に知り合いや家族でもいたか? ……たとえいたとしても、全てこの《咎人の断首剣(クリミナルダークネス)》の剣の錆にしてくれたがな……」))

Selenium pulls a sword out of a sheath in response to my killing intent.

In the world only 1 the sword most expectation of the h.e.l.l —–  《Criminals judgement sword Criminal Darkness》

The contradiction – – that respectively has been settled in my hand and in the hand of Selen.

However, Selen does not know the 『true reason』.

In the cause 『hero』 that, in fact, Kazuha saved the world to twice more than once.

As for the fact that also subdued Selen which was a demon king twice.

[This  this…….  What is throwing the killing intent each other with the highest masterpiece that i made……]

Zegius which asks about the state of this place while patting the mustache from far away.

[Do not stop it, Zegius.  This fellow is place thought that i had to settle once]

[……That right,Zegius Because it does not become by the killing each other, will you see it in silence?]


Zegius so says, those where the mustache it touches for the second time become signal.