Vol 1 Chapter 3 (1/2)
Chapter 03
The Meeting
Part One
Despite everything, I had come back to life, my depression deeper and
direr than Lake Baikal or the Mariana Trench from yesterday’s
For the first tiht
and headed to the lively city It was such a brave and heroic act, it truly
deserved a shower of applause from the whole world I wanted to praise
But everything was in vain
All that reo on like this!
Returning to my apartment, I holed up in my room and started
drinking to erase the painful thoughts Seated at the kotatsu, I tried
shouting, ”Sake! Bring
The Meeting
more than an e, in
that six-mat room, it echoed in dreary misery
Several e around on top of the
kotatsu Increasingly irked by the ani from the room
next door, I rashly indulged in even more alcohol
My head spun terribly, and I grew dizzy
Just a littleafter just a little more
Thatpicked myself up after the previous day's low
spirits, I had decided to escape my hikikomori life as quickly as possible
That's when it hit me I'll find a part-time job today
Why not? If I couldn't begin a career, I could start with a part-time
job If I did that, my tide would shi+ft from ”hikikomori” to ”freeter”15
Both ter useless, but freeter sounded far healthier than
hikikoht away
I headed to the convenience store and bought a part-time
e home quickly, I started
seriously perusing the material
Which one? Which part-time job would suit me best?
I dismissed the idea of heavy labor After all, I wouldn't want
anything that wouldat
a convenience store made me recoil, too No way could I qualify for that
sort of customer-service job
Then… oh!
”Manga café, 700 yen per hour”
Welcome to the NHK
There was no mistake: This job suited me perfectly! There shouldn't
be too a café, after all—
and when I was bored, I could read ister It seemed like
a really si for me
With that in mind, I wrote up a resumé and triumphantly left my
The a café was in front of the subway station, behind a
McDonald's Heading there, I plodded and stoh a
residential area in the cool April air And as I walked through the city by
day for the first tiain was interfered with by
”them” The NHK interference operatives mocked me cruelly as I
walked, e
These were fierce interference measures
”Hey, look at that It's so gross”
”It's an unemployed hikikomori The worst kind”
”You should go back to your apartment This town is no place for
people like you”
The passing housewives, high school girls, and older women all
s each time I passed I turned completely pale
Oh, I want to go home
I wanted to go back to my dim, comfortable, six-mat, one-room
apartment, to sink into my warm bed, dose my eyes, and not have to
think of anything But I couldn't That would be no good After all, if I
did that, it would just go to their heads even more I must bear it This is a
battle in which I must do my best
In reality, I had some idea that this would happen I knew from the
start that there was no way they would leave an my
The Meeting
return to society That's why I couldn't lose Forcing myself to suppress
the anxiety that greith every step, I approached my destination at a
brisk pace
Finally, I reached Break Tia café
behind the station that would become my place of employment from
now on I resolved to work here every day, starting tomorrow
My escape from the hikikomori life was imminent
While it troubled me that I had become this anxious just from
walking around the city during the day, I probably just needed to get
used to it If I could become a freeter, my overabundance of neuroses
should disappear in moments
Yes, it was finally time
I had to be brave and take ed
open the door and entered the shop I visualized offering my resumé to
the girl at the register, announcing energetically, ”I heard you're hiring
part-time workers here”
I began to speak, but my sentence broke off, midstream
For behind the counter, where ashtrays, hot pots, and coffee makers
were lined up in an orderly fashi+on, a lone female employee sat in a chair,
reading a Her profile and the intent look in her eyes as she flipped
through a shoujoseen her
Actually, I had met her just the previous day
Standing before the register, the words ”part ti on my lips,
I felt a in her lap,
sensing me
Our eyes met
Welcome to the NHK
It was the young religious solicitor, Misaki
Unlike the day before, she was dressed in jeans styled like what other
young people wore She didn't have a recognizably religious aura
The second I recalled her true identity,at
ten tihts circulated wildly through
my brain
Why would a religious person work at a a café? Wouldn't that
violate soious precept? No, no, that's of no concern to me—
does she reh? If she did, that meant I was
completely ruined There couldn't be anyone where I worked who knew
my secret There was no way I could ever ith someone who
knew If she does remember, what should I do? I have to run! As this It a
reasonable and logical conclusion, for now, I should just run!
However, right as I began to turn tail, the religious girl called me
back Dropping her harsh expression, she looked at me, the same smile
of derision as the day before flitting across her face In a small voice, she
asked, ”Do you work part time here?”
Clearly, I could see the vast difference between how she questioned
me and the way she probably dealt with normal customers Evidently,
the girl had realized that I was the crazy hikikomori from yesterday
Cold sweat trickled down the back of my neck I wanted to run I
wanted to leave that place as quickly as possible
Even so, I had to answer her question and properly retract the words
I had spoken earlier As casually as possible, as utterly natural as
”Soyou likebikes and stuff?”
The Meeting
What the hell a?
”Oh yes, I really dolike bikes—motorbikes, that is You can fly
like the wind” A few of the custoan to pay
attention to ine! Well, what do you
think? Would you like to co with me some time?”
I'm done for!
”That isI mean, I've never actually ridden one before! Ha ha ha ha
ha ha! Okay, see you”
I couldn't leave the store quickly enough
On ht
beer and shochu
Let ht now
Except I won't die The weather is too nice Instead of dying, I'll just drink
a whole lot of alcohol to forget everything Just forget
AlcoholI'll drink alcohol
I tried shouting, ”Sake! Bring me more sake!” That itself, however, was
nothing more than an empty phrase spoken to myself—and in the dim
evening, in that six-mat room, it echoed in dreary misery I wanted to
Everything was her fault Because of her, reat plan to escape my
hikikomori life had ended in miserable failure At that moment, I wished
for the power to bestow deadly curses That bitchthat bitch! G-GGoddammit!
I iht about then I was sure
that I'd becostock
Welcome to the NHK
”Boss, today, a crazy hikikomori came to the store”
”Huh, really, Misaki?”
”It see here part time But for God's
sake, he's a hikikomori Like, know your place!”
”Absolutely There's no way an une, hikikomori
college dropout could join society”
They were using me as the punch line for their sardonic comments
Argh, how can this be? It's hard to forgive No, I can't forgive them I need to
take e now! I swear I'll punish you
As a hikikomori, however, I couldn't think of any really effective
ways to get back at theive up momentarily and
think of so to make myself feel better I
wanted to forget the bad stuff and just think of good things
Speaking of fun things, there was still the NHK
Yeah, if I were feeling pain or suffering, I had merely to think of the
conspiracy that the NHK was engineering right beneath the surface If
I did that, I ht feel at least a little better
”I see! I understand!” I shouted ”That girl is a special operative for
the NHK!” I keptthese declarations loudly
Despite my earlier resolve, I didn't feel better at all
”Dammit,” I cried before I finished my beer and shochu
My head hurt, and the ani from my next door
neighbor's apart
Before I knew it, I had somehow ended up violently drunk My
ain, the future
held no hope whatsoever that I could detect I suspected that, at this
The Meeting
rate, I was just plu
like an asshole
”That's it This is the end This is the end!” I chanted
And still, the anis echoed from the room next door In the
lyrics, words like ”love,” ”dreams,” ”romance,” and ”hope,” recurred
continuously—ironically For so lost my
optimism, it all sounded very much like mean-spirited sarcasm The
words racked e and self-pity
For one thing, this was the first night hbor had played anime
songs at such a loud volu the
day, but it was already the ht
Then, it occurred to ht this not be some new harassment
meant for me? Harassment toward me! Someone so pathetic and stupid
that he couldn't even become a freeter!
If so, I couldn't allow it I tried punching the wall There was no sign
that the songs would stop I kicked at the wall No reaction
How dare you
a fool of ret this
I drank, got even drunker, drinking to deaden my senses
I', and I'll show you! You're the ones at fault
Rising unsteadily fro like I was
about to fall on my ass, I stumbled to open the door
I tottered to roo
dong, ding dong, ding dong”
No answer
I tried punching the door
No answer The only sounds fros This
Welcome to the NHK
particular nu to Fancy Lala: ”I am Fancy Lala”
In er, blood rushed to my head
I twisted the doorknob The door wasn't locked, and I no longer
cared what ht happen
”Hey!” I shouted, losingopen the door, I
screamed, ”It's too loud!”
At that very second, I saw him A man sat at a computer desk in the
back of the roo
the surprising arrival of a visitor, he sloiveled around in his
spinning chair so he could look at me over his shoulder
He wascrying
Tears silently streamed down his cheeks
On top of that, and even more unbelievable, I knew exactly who he
was Speechless, I couldn't believe my eyes
Wiping his own eyes, he gazed athimself
forward, he stared into my face Finally, after a momentary silence, he
sta voice, ”Sa-Satou?”
There was no mistake It was Yamazaki
After four years, this was an incredibly unexpected reunion
Part Two
In high school, I had been in the literature club
Even so, that didn'tof that sort
Rather, during the new-member recruitment fair, an awfully cute
The Meeting
upperclassman had invited me ”You there, join the literature club”
Without thinking, I had nodded There was really nothing else I
could have done Despite being a member of the nerdy literature club,
and despite being a year older than I was, the girl was as cute as a pop
Unsurprisingly, having joined the club for such a stupid reason, I
ended up playing solitaire through every roup
free time, I played cards in the crowded office with the upperclassman
What in the hell e doing? Obviously, we could have been focusing
on other, s
Well, that doesn't matter at all anymore The past is the past
Anyway, it happened after school on one of those club days My
class the first-floor hallway that faced the
central courtyard Suddenly, she pointed at one of the corners of the