Part 38 (1/2)

There was the wall. Old. The stones near the ground were very rough-looking, but the ones further up were block work. A little yellowish lichen. The next image, with the top of the wall, the slice of sky. The uneven top was more regular than Gwen had first thought. Block work suggesting crenellations. Exactly why she had immediately thought 'castle'. So she wasn't leading them astray, but how on earth had Katie gone as far as Sherbourne?

In the car, Cam concentrated on the road while Gwen stared out of the window. Castle Combe was only five miles away so, even though she was almost positive it wasn't the right place, it made sense to double-check. Ruby and David had started towards Sherbourne, the more likely option.

Cam took one hand off the steering wheel and touched her knee. 'She'll be okay. It's been less than twenty-four hours.'

'That seems very long, suddenly.'

'I know. But Harry says that most missing people are found within the first day.'

Gwen didn't say anything, but she knew he meant most of the missing people who were found alive got found quickly. That didn't account for the ones that stayed missing. Her stomach clenched. It gurgled, too, and Gwen realised that she hadn't eaten since the night before.

The traffic was light, even approaching Bath, but as they skirted the east edge of the city, the cars in front slowed and soon they were snarled in one of the ever-present queues. Even the bad weather didn't seem to put a dent in Bath's traffic problem.

Gwen gazed out of the side window, seeing nothing. She had walled in the scary thoughts. The images of Katie lying alone and injured, or worse. The images of homeless kids. Lost kids. She went back over the two images for what felt like the millionth time. 'I'm sure it isn't a crumbled top; the more I think about it, the surer I am.'

'Don't worry. It won't take us long to check this, then we can rule it out. At least we're doing something.'

'I know.' Gwen lapsed into silence again.

They inched forwards, the familiar yellow stone buildings of Bath spread out before them. To the left rose Bathwick Hill and Gwen took in the familiar scene: the picturesque way the buildings rambled up its side. Even at this dead time of year, with a dark grey sky and bare trees, it was attractive.

The crenellations of Ralph Allen's folly were just visible. They inched forwards, turning a bend in the road, and Gwen gazed back at it. It was typical of a Bathonian. To build something just to improve the view from his own window. Showy, expensive, but oh-so-tastefully done. Ruby and Gwen had developed a shorthand when they'd gone to school here; they'd put on comedy-posh voices and trill 'this is Bath, darling'. Then it hit her.


The folly was a mock front of a medieval castle. Made out of bath stone, it was fifteen feet high and had crenellations on the top of the walls, for battlements. From behind, the effect was lost. It was like a piece of scenery from a film set or a Lego model.

'The folly.'

'What?' Gwen pointed and Cam looked. 'The sham castle,' he said. Then a second later, louder. 'The sham castle.'

Gwen stared at him, stunned with the realisation. 'Katie's there.'

'Use my phone.' Cam plucked it from the side pocket and handed it across, just as traffic began to crawl forward again. 'Phone Harry. He might be able to get there quicker.'

'Right.' Gwen's head was frozen. She felt a rush of grat.i.tude to Cam. He didn't believe her, but he was acting as if he did. Somehow she managed to find the address book and press the b.u.t.ton for Harry. There were traffic sounds wherever he was and someone in their queue was beeping their horn, but she managed to get the essentials across.

'On it,' Harry said and cut the connection.

As Cam drove, Gwen leaned her head against the gla.s.s and thought about the last time she had visited the folly. She had been with Cam, and they'd walked up Bathwick Hill one clear moonlit night. They had a bottle of Jack Daniels and had made up shapes from the stars, admired the lights of Bath spread below them, talked and drank. It was too cold to lie on the ground, not that Gwen wouldn't have done so anyway, but Cam had held her up against the wall, her legs hooked around his waist. She felt a flush of guilt at thinking about s.e.x at a time like this.

She blinked as the car stopped. 'This isn't it.'

'It's a golf course. I don't think I can get any closer.'

'Over there.' Gwen jumped out and almost skidded on the icy ground. She caught her balance and opened the gate. A sign said: Private. Staff only.

Cam took the service track too quickly, the back of the car fish-tailing as he took a corner. When they saw flas.h.i.+ng lights up ahead, he went even faster, pulling to a long, sliding stop. 'Oh my G.o.d,' he said. 'You were right.'

Gwen already had her seat belt off and was out of the door, running, her feet crunching on the snow.

The doors to the ambulance were open and they were lifting a figure on a board inside. Two police in uniform came to meet her. She pushed past them. 'That's my niece.' She saw feet disappearing into the ambulance. One red trainer, one stripy sock. 'Oh G.o.d. Katie!'

Cam was with her now. He had his hand on her arm, was pulling her back. 'Let them look after her.'

'I just need to see her,' Gwen said, pulling against Cam.

'Come on. We'll follow them to the hospital.'

Gwen struggled forwards, but the doors slammed shut. 'Is she all right?' She turned to the police, trying to shut out images of Stephen Knight's lifeless body. That couldn't be Katie. It couldn't be. 'What's happened to her? Is she-'

'She's unconscious. They'll be able to tell you more at the hospital.' The man nodded at Cam. 'Mr Laing.'

'Oh G.o.d.' Gwen put her hands to her face. 'Oh G.o.d.'

'Is Harry here?' Cam said.

'Over there.' The second policeman jerked his head in the direction of the castle.

Cam set off and Gwen, holding onto him so that she didn't keel over, had no choice but to go with him.

As they got closer, Gwen saw the rough and ready back of the folly. Something she hadn't appreciated in the dead of night with her brains exploding with l.u.s.t, was that the back was nowhere near as fancy as the front. It was almost slap-dash, in fact. They walked through the archway and there was the city, spread out below them, and there was Harry, crouched over by one of the fake towers.

He was poking through the snow with a pencil, but he straightened up as they approached. 'I've phoned Ruby. They're coming back.'

Cam nodded. 'What does it look like?'

Harry glanced at Gwen. 'No obvious injuries, no sign of a struggle. She's got hypothermia, though. Hopefully moderate rather than severe, but that can cause confusion, lapses in judgement. Her mobile phone was less than a metre from where she was lying, but she either lost it or forgot about it.'

'But why would she let herself get that cold? Why wouldn't she have come back, used her phone?' Gwen closed her eyes, felt herself swaying like a blade of gra.s.s.

Harry shrugged. 'Maybe the hypothermia set in quickly, made her thinking muddled. Maybe she was drunk.'

'What's that?' Cam was pointing at a plastic bag.

Harry held it up. An empty alcopop bottle, some bright blue liquid still in the bottom. 'Not much of a mystery.'

Gwen opened her eyes in time to see a look pa.s.s between the two men. She filed it under 'later' and said, 'We need to go to the hospital. Now.'

The drive to the hospital pa.s.sed in a blur. Gwen felt feverish. She laid her head against the cool gla.s.s of the window and marvelled at the heat in her head. Her body was in overdrive, while her brain seemed to have shut down.

'You were right,' Cam kept saying. 'I can't believe it. How did you do that?'

Gwen was too overwhelmed to answer him. She shook her head. 'What the h.e.l.l was she doing up there? And what if we were too late?' She thought about the hours that had pa.s.sed. Katie lying outside, unconscious, in the cold. She wrapped her arms around her middle, as if she could physically hold herself together.

Miraculously, they found a place to park at the hospital. Even more amazingly, Gwen made it to the right department without fainting.