84 love of my life (1/2)
By the time Liam finishes all his undone work, it was almost dinner time. Glancing at the unmoving figure perched on one of his comfortable sofas, a smile of satisfaction formed on his lips.
This is the first time that Seraphina stayed on his office and waited for him. Though he clearly knew that she was just complying under Sebastian Yue's request, he was still contented.
Slowly making his way towards her direction, his gaze softens even more seeing her angelic face soundlessly resting. He calmly went closer to her; enchanted. Unlike when she was in a coma and her captivating appearance was drained of blood, this time, though her eyes were closed, her healthy skin and glowing image were enough to make his heart race uncontrollably. Though she looked more matured now compare to when he first met her, she still looks dazzling.
Liam's mind was filled with her. He knew that this girl doesn't feel the same towards him. He knew that she only likes teasing him and doesn't keep it to her heart. He knew that in her eyes, she sees him as a friend, yet, that only makes him more determined; for her to see him as a man, a potential lover and a worthy husband. The only reason why he never felt attracted towards other girls was because she held a piece of his heart. She took it away with her when she went overseas.
Alas, he couldn't blame her. It was his fault by falling in love with this unique woman. As he stares at her delicate features, he felt guilty. Since they started dating, the people that surround him always find fault on her. First, Nadine and now Jace. How can these people treat this kind hearted girl in such a harsh manner?
As he was immense in feeling remorseful, slowly, his hand involuntary raised -- attempting to trace her profile, alas, before his hand could touch her, it was abruptly held by a slender hand.
Opening her eyes filled with murderous intent; an indistinct glint flashes across her eyes as it met Liam's stunned gaze. Realizing it was only Liam, she abruptly let his hand go as she shifted her mood to the good abiding Sera.
He was mildly stunned seeing her fleeting gaze moments ago before changing it back to her 'normal self'. It actually made his heart pound not in excitement but in unsettling manner. Her fast transition of attitude made him want to believe that it was only his imagination.
”Doctor, it was you.” she languidly spoke, acknowledging his presence.
”Did I disturb you? I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.” throwing the idea of fear at the back of his head, he asked.
”Nah, it's fine.” she smiled as she leisurely straightens her back.
”Shall we?” asked her to their scheduled dinner with her Grandfather.
”Hmm.” she nodded in agreement.
Reaching the Yue family mansion, the dishes their servants prepared was on a different level. It was as if a grand occasion was taking place. Seraphina's eyes widen seeing the mouth-watering delicacies on their long dining table.
”Gramps, who would finish all this? Are you making us all fat?!” her complaints couldn't be kept on her mind anymore by the overreacting 'simple dinner' prepared by her grandfather.