Part 31 (1/2)

A song ent.i.tled ”Gideon's Band,” introduced by the negro minstrels in New York, was popular on the streets and in the camps.


Judge Kellogg, having an application for condoning a death sentence against a soldier, urged that he had served well hitherto, having been badly wounded under fire.

”Kellogg,” remarked Lincoln quickly, ”is there not something in the Bible about the shedding of blood for the remission of sins?”

As the judge was not familiar with ecclesiastical law, he merely bowed. In fact, the blood-offerings of the ancients was of animals, and it was deemed profane to offer one's own. Still, the offering of blood is dedication to a friend or the country. Lincoln had _the idea_ correctly.

”That's a good point,” he brightly said, ”and there is no going behind it!”

So saying, he wrote the pardon, which Kellogg transmitted to the gladdened father of the culprit.

Mr. Lincoln had no need to go back to Scripture for his defense. It is martial law, unwritten but valid, that if a delinquent soldier, fugitive from justice, or breaking prison, reaches the battle-field and takes his place gallantly, no more would be said about the hanging charge, even though it were literally a hanging one.


The judge advocate-general, Holt, as well as the military chiefs, were in despair at their superior trifling with the laws of war by suspending mortal decrees, and, in short, in hunting up excuses for delaying the blow of justice. Once the judge brought to the President a case so flagrant that he did not doubt that, for a rarity, the chief would sign without any cavil and hesitation. A soldier had demoralized his regiment in the nick of a battle by das.h.i.+ng down his rifle and hiding behind a tree. He had not a friend or relative to sue for him.

Despite all this, the Executive laid down the pen quivering between his long fingers, and said:

”Holt, I think I must, after all, file this away with my 'Leg Cases.'”

And thrust the paper in one of a series of pigeonholes already crammed with the like.

The judge was taken off his guard by the inconsistent levity, and demanded the meaning of the term with acerbity.

”Holt, were you ever in battle?” he counter queried.

The man of law was a man of peace; he had seen lead, but in seals, not bullets.

Secretary of War Stanton was spurring the military justice on, as often before.

”Did Stanton ever march in the first line, to be shot at like this man?”

Holt answered for his colleague in the negative.

”Well, I tried it in the Black Hawk War!” proceeded the Illinoisian, ”and I remember one time I grew awful weak in the legs when I heard the bullets whistle around me and saw the enemy in front of me. How my legs carried me forward I cannot now tell, for I thought every minute that I should sink to the ground. I am opposed to having soldiers shot for not facing danger when it is not known that their legs would carry them into danger! Well, judge, you see the papers crowded in there?

You call them cases of 'Cowardice in the face of the enemy,' a long t.i.tle, but I call them my 'Leg Cases,' for short!--and I put it to you, Holt, and leave it to you to decide for yourself, if Almighty G.o.d gives a man a _cowardly pair of legs,_ how can he help them running away with him?”