Part 19 (1/2)
Her lips were dry and cracked. I wanted to pa.s.s her some lip balm through the computer, or a gla.s.s of water, or something to help. Once again, I could do nothing.
”Hey, Cueball,” I joked. She laughed dryly but didn't say more.
”How are you feeling?” I asked, wanting to know but not sure if she wanted to talk about it or pretend things were normal. I felt that way a lot about my dad.
”Like a bag of a.s.s,” she croaked.
”Whose a.s.s? Because if it's mine, then you must be feeling pretty good.” I was trying too hard.
”Can't laugh. Hurts.” She held up a ban daged and bruised hand --1 to her throat. ”Tell me something good.”
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4/17/13 8:57 PM.
”Well, Leo went down on me in the backseat of my dad's car.
And I met Bruce Campbell.” Becca coughed, and I couldn't tell if it was because of what I told her or because she had to cough. The coughing continued. ”Do you need me to get help?” I asked the screen. She shook her head no. A woman I didn't recognize appeared on the screen, her wide behind blocking the camera. When she was gone, Becca held a cup of water with two hands.
”Who was that?” I asked.
”Night nurse. Helen.”
”Was she in the room when I just told you about the car sce- nario?” Becca nodded. ”Is she still in the room?” Becca nodded again.
”But do go on,” she eked out. I curled my lip in disgust, but Becca said, ”It makes me happy to hear about it.”
”I hope Helen isn't a prude,” I told her, and launched into the story of the night.
When I fi nished, Becca told me, ”Helen just crossed herself.” I laughed. ”I better go to sleep.” And just like that she closed her eyes.
I thought she might already be out.
”Are you really dying, Becca?” I asked.
She opened one eye. ”The doctors say probably not, but it sure f.u.c.king feels like it.” She closed her eyes again.
”Good night,” I whispered at the computer. No answer. Becca was already asleep.
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I slept in on, spending most of the day in my room in case Becca called. I watched all three Basket Case movies, plus The Toxic Avenger and A Nightmare on Elm Street 2. While Nightmare wasn't as cheesy, weird, or gross as the other fi lms, I always loved the prem-ise of someone attacking you in your dreams. Plus, I heard Robert Englund, the guy who played Freddy, wore actual blades on his fi ngers and could cut an apple if he wanted.
The only Skype call I received was from Aunt Judy, who I ignored and didn't care about the consequences. I messaged a little back and forth with Damien and Brandon, and they invited me to a show that night, but I declined. I didn't want to have to talk about Becca or Leo or myself. There was no point in leaving the house.
Instead, my mom, brothers, and I shared a pizza and watched Poltergeist on TV. For a horror movie, it's surprisingly scary. Maybe I watched too many and was desensitized, but it seemed to me most --1 horror movies were funny and gory but not necessarily scary. But -0 -+1 105-54406_ch01_1P.indd 111 105-54406_ch01_1P.indd 111 4/17/13 8:57 PM.
4/17/13 8:57 PM.
Poltergeist ... the clown doll? I had second thoughts about leaving my Chuckie doll out after that. CJ hid behind the couch whimpering most of the movie.
I texted Becca at bedtime with a quick note.
Still Ok?
Ten minutes later she wrote back.
Can't stop barfi ng.
And that was it.
Sunday I worked all day, which meant hungover college students and tons of business. There was some game on TV in a corner of the restaurant, but we in the kitchen didn't give a s.h.i.+t and drowned out the jocular din with a musical din of our own. I antic.i.p.ated the pos- sibility of Leo coming in for a sub, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. If he did, would we have to talk? Make out in the disgusting bath- room? I grooved on the rhythmic construction of the subs, and I didn't want that to be interrupted. When it turned out I wasn't inter- rupted all day by a visit from Leo, I was a tad disappointed. I wish I could make up my mind.
Before I left work, I texted Becca.
Do u want me to bring u a sub?
It was a long shot, with her puking issue. I was afraid she might say yes, which made me feel horrid. But I was scared to see her in person, not just in the grainy, poorly lit world of my computer screen.
She texted back: -1- 0- 2 pukey. 2 medicated. Thanx.