Part 16 (1/2)

”Yes. Want to tell me about your morning while you escort me to gym?”

”Wish I could, you know, be your hired escort and all, but I have to get to physics. I need to be awake during attendance so I can nod off during the movie. What about my lunch, your creative writing?”

It turned out Leo's creative writing in de pen dent study, which only required a check- in before he could head off to ”write,” was at the same time as my lunch hour.

”Fridays I actually have to talk to my IS sponsor, so I can't do it.

Can you miss art?” We talked as we navigated through the shrieking hallway crowd.

”Not today. Critique day.”

-1- ”Then I guess I'll just see you to night.” We stopped in front of 0- the gym hallway.



105-54406_ch01_1P.indd 92 105-54406_ch01_1P.indd 92 4/17/13 8:57 PM.

4/17/13 8:57 PM.

”To night?” I asked.

”Bruce Campbell. Army of Darkness screening? I had an extra ticket.” He looked a mixture of annoyed and disappointed that I didn't remember.

”I totally forgot. A lot on my brain, I guess. I can still go.” I drummed up some enthusiasm. Not that I wasn't excited, it was just that now Becca was home maybe I should stay by my computer in case she wanted to chat. There was always my cell phone, though.

”If you're not too busy,” he mumbled. Now I could tell he was annoyed.

”Dude. I said I wasn't busy. It just slipped my mind. There's a lot of s.h.i.+t going on, and I just forgot. No big.”

”If you say so. Can you drive?” The bell rang.

”s.h.i.+t. I have to go. I've been late every day since school started.”

”People appreciate consistency.”

”Teachers aren't people!” I called to him as I sprinted down the hall. ”I'll come get you at seven!”

”Make it six. I want to get good seats!”

Ms. Less didn't seem to notice I was late, and I managed to ask her a question before the movie began to ensure I was accounted for.

When the lights dimmed, I texted Becca.

U still puking?

Ten minutes later, still no answer.

Is it ok if I go to movie with Leo Dietz 2nite?

This time, I got a response: --1 Only if you two sleep on a beach after.

-0 -+1


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4/17/13 8:57 PM.

Skype l8r?

m/ My mom and the twins sat at the kitchen table when I got home from school. ”What's everyone doing?” I asked, and joined them.

”We were just looking through this box of old photos. Remem- ber how your dad was so into Halloween?” Mom smiled sadly at the memory.

”Remember? He was still around last Halloween,” I said.

My mom's smile drooped, as did her hand holding the picture.

She rose from her chair and left the room.

CJ stood up and shoved my head.

”What the f.u.c.k?” I yelled.

”You don't say something like that to Mom.”

”Like what? What kind of s.h.i.+tty memory would I have if I couldn't even remember less than a year ago?” I argued.

”It's not about how long ago; it's about the fact that he's not here for this Halloween,” AJ explained.

There goes my foot- in- mouth disease. I walked out of the kitchen to fi nd Mom slumped on the couch. She wasn't crying, but her expression and eyes were I sat down next to her, close but not touching.