Part 6 (1/1)

These words hich Penelope excused herself wrought iven up herself implicitly to his embraces; and he wept for joy to possess a wife so discreet, so answering to his own staid mind, that had a depth of wit proportioned to his own, and one that held chaste virtue at so high a price; and he thought the possession of such a one cheaply purchased with the loss of all Circe's delights and Calypso's i labours and his severe sufferings past see, now they were croith the enjoyment of his virtuous and true wife Penelope And as sad h shore, swi for their lives, all drenched in foam and brine, crawl up to soreat a joy as if they had the world given the to her lord restored, till the dark night fast co on reminded her of that -ed bed she should once again clasp a living Ulysses

So from that time the land had rest fros and solemn sacrifices of praise to the Gods celebrated the return of Ulysses; for he that had been so long absent was returned to wreak the evil upon the heads of the doers; in the place where they had done the evil, there wreaked he his vengeance upon them