Part 15 (1/2)
The two scouts paused spellbound as if in a place haunted The figure had disappeared but they could hear the patter of its running, and once or twice a fleeting dark shadow The breeze was freshening and conjuring every sound about the ralass falling froitated, their nerves tense, they strained their eyes for glihostly concert
”It's he,” said Warde; ”we've got to catch him Do you think that sound is a tree toad? _Listen!_” He pulled his hat on tighter because of the rising wind
”First I thought it was,” Roy said ”But it isn't They h It's not any ani like that Co screa and re-echoed from another as if its terror-stricken owner had three voices Itvoice, distant, aloof Then they heard hu! Wait, I'!_”
It sounded farther and farther off until it was drowned in the distant
”_It's he,_” Warde whispered, his voice tense
”I knohere it is; come on,” said Roy
”What does it mean, anyway?” Warde asked, as he followed Roy, breathless and in suspense ”What are we going to do? Has he got some--some--accomplice--”
”Follow er--”
”Neverinto an overgrown cross street, cutting through the doorless wreck of the Y M C A shack, over the litter within, and out on the opposite side A tall, spectral shadow soon confronted the, as they approached Their nearness to it dispelled any thought of its being the inani creature It moaned and cried like no voice they had ever heard before
Yet it was strangely hu, bewildered apparition was silent now, and there seeloomy solace in the low, plaintive strain
”Come ahead,” said Roy resolutely, ”follow me Not scared, are you?”
He ascended the narrow,
Upon the top was a tiny platforht
Crouched in a heap was their friend Blythe He was in a state of frantic agitation, his whole for like a leaf His head was bowed; he clutched soled a cord Several burned matches lay near him and wisps and little masses of woven straw littered the ht above to that part of the superstructure which revolved with the wind, enabling the winged wheel to keep in favorable position for revolving Thevoice was very near noithin are was divested of its ghostly suggestiveness
”Look,” Roy whispered, directing his light upward There upon the ar-box It was so placed as always to catch the breeze fro fan
”I knohat it is,” said Roy; ”hold this light while I take it down”
He seemed to know that there was no peace for that distracted, crouching figure, as long as the weird voice from that compact little mechanis up, dislodged the har winged fan revolved silently above theently; ”look up It's just Warde and me What's the ot her--I can see her--she called me--” was all Blythe could say