Part 8 (1/2)

”Yes,” he answered, suddenly reminded of the fact. Then seeing she did not resume her seat on the steps, he ventured diffidently, ”Will you come too?”

She a.s.sented, and they started together in silence, Joost thinking her homesick, not knowing quite what to say. When they came to the first of the dark buildings they went in, and he swung the lantern round so that their shadows danced fantastically. Then he tried various doors, and glanced up the wall-ladder to the square opening which led to the floor above. There was no need to examine the place minutely, it was all quiet and dark; if there had been any one about they would certainly have heard, and if there had been anything smouldering--a danger more to be feared, seeing that the men smoked everywhere--it could have been smelt in the dry air.

”I like these barns,” Julia said, looking round: ”they are so big and quiet and orderly, somehow so respectable.”

”Respectable!” he repeated, as if he did not approve of the word. ”Is that what you like? The respectable?”

”Yes, in its place; and its place is here.”

”You think us respectable?”

”Well, are you not? I think you are the most respectable people in the world.”

She led the way through to the next barn as she spoke. ”You are going here, too, I suppose?” she said.

”I will just look round,” he answered.

They went on together until they came to the last barn of all; while they paused there a moment they heard a rustling and movement in the dark, far corner. Joost started violently, then he said, ”It is a rat, you must not be afraid; it will not run this way.”

”I am not afraid,” Julia said with amus.e.m.e.nt. ”Do you think I am afraid of rats?”

”Girls often are.”

”Well, I am not,” and it was clear from her manner that she spoke the truth.

”Would you be afraid to come out here alone?” he asked curiously.

”No,” she said; ”any night that you like I will come here alone, go through the barns and fasten the doors.”

”I do not believe there are many girls who would do that,” he said; he was thinking of Denah and Anna.

Julia told him there were plenty who would. As they came back, stopping to fasten each door after them, he remarked, ”I think girls are usually brought up with too much protection; I mean girls of our cla.s.s, they are too much s.h.i.+elded; one has them for the house only; if they were flowers I would call them stove-plants.”

Julia laughed. ”You believe in the emanc.i.p.ation of women then?” she said; ”you would rather a woman could take care of herself, and not be afraid, than be womanly?”

”No,” he answered; ”I would like them to be both, as you are.”

They had come outside now; she was standing in the misty moon-light, while he stayed to fasten the last door.

”I?” she said; ”you seem to think me a paragon--clever, brave, womanly. Do you know what I really am? I am bad; by a long way the wickedest person you have known.”

But he did not believe her, which was perhaps not altogether surprising.



Violet Polkington was married, and, as a consequence, the financial affairs of the family were in a state that can only be described as wonderful. They were intricately involved, of course, and there was no chance of their being clear again for a year at least; but, also, there was no chance of them being found out, appearances were better than ever.