Part 44 (1/2)

Horse's head, reined back; a joint on the left side. The scale and direction show that this head belonged to a chariot group on the north side.

Height, 11-1/2 inches; Michaelis, pl. 12, slab xx. (cf. p. 173).

[Sidenote: 14.]

Fragment containing a part of the neck and lower part of the mane of one of the horses of a chariot group, together with a part of the neck of a second horse. This fragment, which was discovered in the excavations on the Acropolis of 1889, must belong to a chariot group of the north frieze, perhaps to slab xi., xv., or xvi.

Height, 1 foot 3 inches.

[Sidenote: 15.]

The upper part of two hors.e.m.e.n, and part of the head or neck of a succeeding horse. The second rider, whose hand is preserved, held metal reins. The horse had a metal bridle. This fragment was formerly in the Cataio Villa, and afterwards the property of Archduke Karl of Austria. It must have belonged to the fragmentary portion of the north frieze, between slabs xxvi. and xxviii.

Height, 1 foot 3 inches; Laborde, _Athenes_, II., p. 236; Michaelis, pl. 13, xxvii.


[Sidenote: 16.]

Helmeted head looking to the right. The lower part of the face is broken away. The helmet has a cheekpiece turned up at the side.

This head probably belongs to the horseman, No. 5, in the south frieze.

Height, 5-1/4 inches.

[Sidenote: 17.]

Foreleg of a horse from below the knee to the hoof. The direction is to the right.

Length, 7-1/2 inches.

[Sidenote: 18.]

Youthful beardless head wearing a petasos and looking to the right. The right side of the head is broken away. Michaelis engraved this head, pl. 11, slab xix., No. 48. It no doubt belongs either to that horseman, or to one of the two on the slab following (xx.), for which see Carrey's drawing.

Height, 7 inches.

[Sidenote: 19.]

Upper part of youthful male figure looking to the right; behind, horse's head. The figure wore a chiton with girdle, and, apparently, a close-fitting helmet or leather cap. Part of the shoulder of a second figure seems to be visible on the right edge of the fragment. It is not easy to find a place for this fragment among the hors.e.m.e.n of the south side. It seems more probable that the head is that of the charioteer of slab xxvi.; it agrees well with Carrey's drawing.

Height, 1 foot 4 inches; Michaelis, pl. 11, slab, xxvi.; No. 64.

[Sidenote: 20.]

Fragment of male figure, turned to the right, extending from the neck to the hip. The drapery consists only of a mantle which is seen pa.s.sing over the right shoulder and round the body. The figure appears to be that of a youth and to correspond best with one of the charioteers of the south frieze, only preserved in Carrey's drawing, Michaelis, pl. 11, slab xxvii.

Height, 1 foot 1/4 inch; Michaelis, pl. 11, slab xxiv., A.