Part 32 (1/2)

Populazzi. Elise Allen 51680K 2022-07-22

”Whatever. People are selfish. Give them the chance and they'll take what they can get. Look at you.” Trista didn't say it accusingly, just as a fact of life that confirmed her philosophy. ”Always a.s.sume you're on your own and everyone else wants to bring you down. It's the only way to stay the best.”

Another night, Trista and I were playing Wii Fit while we talked. I was working on the tree pose, but I kept losing my balance. ”Look away or something,” I told her. ”I can't do it when I know you're staring at me.”

”That's a problem. If you want to be really popular, you have to a.s.sume you're being scrutinized every second, because you probably are. You have to thrive under that pressure.”

She executed a perfect tree pose.

During another session, Trista made us ice cream sundaes in the bas.e.m.e.nt kitchenette.

”You know one word that'll help you be like me?” she asked.

In my head I started running down the alphabet: Artificial, Bogus, Conniving, Devious...

”No idea,” I said. ”What word?”

”Magnet.” She dropped a cherry on each of our dishes, then set them on the counter so we could dig in. ”Everything about me is a magnet. Like the way I look. I look good, right?”

”Well, yeah. You're really pretty.”

”I'm beautiful. I work at it. Beauty is a magnet. Not just to get guys either. Women are more impressed by beautiful women. It's a fact. Know how my mom got my dad?”

”She was beautiful?”

”She was beautiful. And she's going to lose him unless she gets beautiful again. He warns her about it every day.”

”He does?”

Trista nodded. ”She gained weight. She was a size two when they met. Now she's a ten. Know what he gave her for her birthday?”

I had no idea.

”Box of s.e.xy lingerie,” she said. ”All size twos.”

”Subtle message.” I wasn't sure what had the bigger yuck factor: the message or the fact that Trista knew all about it.

”I thought it was pretty straightforward,” she said, completely missing my sarcasm. ”He's not attracted to her at this weight. She has fewer friends, too. I've seen their high school yearbook-she was it. Now she has maybe two good friends, tops.”

She took a big bite of the sundae, and a question started nagging at me. ”Trista,” I asked, ”are you going to throw up when we're done?”

Trista thought about it. ”Probably not,” she said. ”Real bu-limics are like that: they disappear after every meal and get rid of it. That's not me. I only do it once or twice a week. Three times at the most. And it's only after a binge, not just a meal or a dessert.”

”What's the difference?”

”Are you kidding? Okay, once when I was really stressed out, I took the car and hit McDonald's for a Big Mac, large fries, and shake, DQ for a dipped cone, and Dunkin's for a half-dozen donuts. Downed the cone and the fries in the car, the rest back here.”


”Exactly. Who wants all that in their body? I had to get rid of it. That one sucked, though-too much doughy stuff-almost impossible to get up. I didn't think I'd be able to do it, which was a complete nightmare. Can you imagine?”

”No,” I replied honestly.

”Now I'm smarter. I choose things that come up easier. Soft-serve ice cream, giant bowls of cereal with milk, that kind of thing. And lots of fluid.”

It was weird. She was talking about the intricacies of her bulimia like it was a hobby, not a disease.

”But ... it's really bad for you, isn't it? I mean, does it hurt?”

”Sometimes, but if you do it enough, it's harder to trip your gag reflex, which comes in very handy, if you know what mean.

I did know what she meant, but somehow juxtaposing it with vomiting made the whole thing highly unappealing.

”Maybe you should talk about this with your parents or something,” I said. ”Maybe they could help.”

”Oh, yeah, that'd be great. I went crying to Mom after my first time. It was, like, ninth grade and I'd eaten a whole box of Frosted Flakes-no milk, I didn't know-and scratched the h.e.l.l out of my throat to get it up. I was totally freaked and I told Mom, but she didn't say a word, just kept filing her nails. I finally begged her to say something, and she goes, 'What am I supposed to say? What kind of mother do you think it makes me if my daughter's a bulimic!'”

”Wow,” I said. ”Okay, so maybe not her, but-”

”People don't want to see your weaknesses, Cara. And you can't let them. Not if you want to be a magnet.”

She looked at me as if to make sure I'd gotten the message, then went back to her sundae. ”I like talking to you about this stuff, though. It's nice.”

It was nice ... which was weird. Trista and I had been having so many late-night conversations and she'd opened up so much to me, I felt closer to her than I ever had before. Claudia was my reality check. She reminded me that the only reason Trista was being so honest and genuine was that I had dirt on her. If she could have, she'd have thrown me to the wolves in a heartbeat.

The magnet thing became Trista's favorite metaphor for popularity. She brought it up again toward the end of March, right before spring break.

”So I've been thinking about our transition of power,” Trista said, lining up a tricky shot on the b.u.mper pool table.

”What about it?”

She sank the shot and lined up another. ”It won't be easy for people to buy it. I'm so magnetic that, no matter how magnetic we make you and no matter how much I try to sell it for you, I'm not sure it'll work.”

”Are you going back on our deal?”

”Will you forget what you saw?”

I just looked at her.

”Exactly,” she said, sinking another shot. ”So I can't. But I had an idea: a big public way we could officially set you up as the new me.”

”What's that?”

”The spring party.” Trista put down the pool cue and plopped onto the couch. ”Every year I throw a party after spring break. Everyone knows about it, but the actual invitation list is very selective. Big but selective. The party is epically CHIW-the kind of thing people talk about for months. If you really want to be me, this year you throw that party. I'll help, but we'll make sure everyone knows it's yours. Your magnet-tude will skyrocket.”

I liked the idea a lot. I'd been wondering how we'd get everyone to see me as the new Supreme Populazzi, and this seemed like the perfect plan.

But the strategy had come from Trista, so I was suspicious.