Part 22 (1/2)
”Not from Adrian?” Helena raised a brow. ”I see.”
”They're Miss DeRochette's,” Evelyn said quickly. It wasn't entirely a lie. She had given Celeste the first two dozen and fully intended for her to have these as well. ”I believe she has an admirer.” In truth, she had no idea if Celeste had admirers or not. She'd never said a word. But then there were all sorts of things Celeste kept to herself.
”I would be surprised if she didn't,” Helena said firmly.
”As would I,” Evelyn murmured. She hadn't thought about it before but it would be surprising if Celeste didn't have a gentleman in her life. In truth, it would explain quite a lot. When this was all resolved, with the department and Sir, with her husband, she would make a concerted effort to find out her friend's secrets. Or at least encourage Celeste to confide in her.
”Now, as I have come to give you advice, I had best get on with it.” Helena met her gaze directly. ”First, do not return home until he has won your forgiveness in a matter satisfactory to you.”
Evelyn bit back a smile. ”You said that.”
”It bears repeating,” Helena said firmly. ”Second, if he does not do something soon, oh, a grand gesture of some sort, I would think, you must determine a way to inspire such a gesture. But it is very important he thinks it is his idea.”
”Do you have any thoughts as to what that might be?” A wry note sounded in Evelyn's voice.
”I can't do this all myself, you know.” Helena cast her a chastising look. ”I have given you the benefit of my wisdom; the rest is in your hands.” She got to her feet, Evelyn following a beat behind. ”I said you cannot allow this to continue overly long and that, too, bears repeating. You want to stay away long enough for him to realize he can't live without you but not so long for him to get used to living without you.” She smiled in a satisfied manner. ”Although I doubt that is possible. You know, I never really thought Adrian would marry at all. And then he met you. You, my dear, are the love of his life. Don't let him muck it up.”
”I shall do my best.” Evelyn paused. ”Don't you want to know what he did?”
”Oh my, yes. Why, I am simply burning with curiosity, but I'm not going to ask.” She shook her head. ”I know it's not something insignificant and frivolous because you are far too sensible to be upset over something that doesn't matter. And if it is something as dreadful as another woman, I might not be able to forgive him for being such an idiot. Nor do I think you would forgive him. Besides, even the most stubborn Hadley-Att.w.a.ter man would know it would take far more effort than one mere bouquet to atone for that sort of transgression. No, I suspect he has done something far greater than a minor sin and somewhat less than eternal d.a.m.nation.”
Evelyn nodded. ”Somewhat.”
”Now, then, I must be on my way.”
”But I haven't offered you refreshments. Tea or something ...”
”Yes, dear, I noticed. It is an obvious measure of how distraught you are and can certainly be forgiven this once.” Helena's eyes twinkled. ”But do not forget I have six other children who expect a certain amount of meddling on my part. I do so hate to disappoint any of them.”
Evelyn laughed. ”Are you making the rounds then?” ”I had planned to call on Portia next.” She narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. ”That girl has some sort of secret, and she has since she returned from Christmas in Italy. It's quite shocking really as she has never been able to keep a secret. One does wonder what she is hiding. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do in regards to Bianca and her husband.” She leaned closer and lowered her voice in a confidential manner. ”She and her husband have been estranged now longer than you and Adrian have been married, not that I blame her.” She rolled her gaze toward the ceiling. ”I never trusted that man. While there has never been a divorce in the family and I am certainly not encouraging such a thing, her husband is the finest excuse for divorce I have ever seen.” She shrugged. ”It's none of my concern, of course.”
”Of course,” Evelyn murmured. Not that Helena had ever let that stop her.
”There is nothing I can do to help Miranda mend her heart. Someday, she will stop mourning her husband, but while two years is enough for many people, she is not yet ready to get on with her life. Soon I think. Hugh tends to avoid me.” She met Evelyn's gaze. ”You do know, now that Sebastian has married, Hugh is at the top of my list.”
”I thought Portia was at the top?”
”My goodness, Evelyn.” Helena smiled in a wicked sort of way. ”I would never manage to accomplish anything if my children knew exactly what I was thinking.”
Evelyn grinned.
”Now then, my dear.” She took Evelyn's hands and gazed into her eyes. ”Do not hesitate to call on me if the need arises. I consider you no less a Hadley-Att.w.a.ter than any of the others. You are as much my daughter as Diana and Bianca and Miranda and Portia.”
Evelyn swallowed the sudden lump in her throat. From the moment she married Adrian, Helena had become the mother she'd never truly known. ”Thank you.”
”No thanks are necessary, dear girl.” She kissed her cheek. ”I a.s.sume I shall see you tonight?”
Evelyn stared. ”Tonight?”
”Oh dear, this misdeed of Adrian's must have been rather more significant than even I have imagined for you to forget.” Helena's brow furrowed. ”Diana is having the family for dinner tonight.”
”Yes, of course.” It was, after all, on the schedule she'd had delivered to her husband. Admittedly, it had slipped her mind.
”It's the first time we shall all be together since Sebastian and Veronica's marriage.” She leveled Evelyn a firm look. ”I expect to see you there.”
”I wouldn't miss it.”
They chatted for a few more minutes, then Helena took her leave.
Evelyn's gaze returned to Adrian's flowers. It wasn't at all like her to forget a social obligation, especially a family event. Obviously, this difficulty with Adrian was more distressing than she'd realized. She cherished being a part of this family far too much to take it for granted. She should probably send Adrian a note of reminder.
No. She turned and started up the stairs to her bedroom. He had the schedule. And he knew his family well enough to know any failure on his part to appear would be remarked upon. Her pulse quickened at the thought of seeing him. It had been only two days and yet it seemed forever. She did hope he knew her well enough to know she would attend. Still, given that he had suspected her of having an affair, she wondered if he knew her at all.
And as he had made little effort to get her back, she wondered, as well, if she knew him.
Chapter 16.
What on earth was wrong with him? Adrian paced the width of Diana's foyer. And where was his wife?
He had considered appearing unannounced at her house to escort her here tonight, then thought perhaps it might be best to meet on what could be termed neutral territory. Not that he expected her to fly into a rage or berate him in front of his family. In truth, their argument had been remarkably civilized. Of course, from the moment she'd brought up leaving, his mind had been churning with the details of how her absence would only make his deception as Sir easier. He grimaced. He had always considered himself an intelligent man. Apparently, in that, too, he was wrong.
He'd arrived at Diana's a few minutes early on the off chance that, for once, Evie would not be late. What he hadn't considered was that he would be in the entry, waiting for his wife, when each and every member of his family arrived. Fortunately, no one seemed to take his explanation that he'd had a late meeting and he and Evie had agreed to meet here as at all unusual.
At least, greeting the various members of his family had kept him occupied. He couldn't remember the last time, if ever, he had known this kind of apprehension. A man shouldn't feel apprehensive about seeing his own wife. But d.a.m.nation, he was nervous.
Admittedly, a man also shouldn't suspect his wife of infidelity because she failed to mention a trip to a museum. And a man should make more of an effort to win her forgiveness than with a lone bunch of spring flowers. Good Lord, he was doing a better job at, well, courting her as Sir than he was as himself. Still, she hadn't responded to Sir's latest communication, which was gratifying. He should stop this nonsense right now. Go on with their life together, an excellent life, as they had before. But he'd never yet abandoned a quest, and if he knew nothing else about himself, he knew if he didn't answer this question now, it would haunt him for the rest of his days. Perhaps, if he hadn't started this course, if Max hadn't called Evie back into service, if he hadn't let his uncertainties convince him there was another man, he could have lived with his doubts about Sir. He had thus far, after all. But now, he would wonder who she truly loved every time she looked at him, every time he took her in his arms. Uncertainty would gnaw at him. He fully intended to spend the rest of his life with her, and she deserved better than that. As did he.
”If you wear a path in my floor, I shall have to box your ears at the very least.” Diana stood in front of the closed doors to the parlor.
”Do not treat me as if I am one of your children.” He drew his brows together. ”How long have you been standing there?”
”Long enough, I would say.” Her tone softened. ”She will come, you know.”
”Of course she will.” He scoffed. ”I am not the least bit concerned.”
”You look concerned.”
”Rubbish, I have nothing to be concerned about. Our arriving separately was a simple matter of expediency.”
”Yes, I believe you mentioned that. Every time someone new arrived.” She smiled in a manner that a casual observer might call pleasant. Said observer would have missed the knowing look in her eye. Diana was the oldest of his sisters and the closest to him in age. Adrian recognized that smile.
”What are you thinking?” he said in a sharper tone than he had intended.
”I'm thinking you look rather pathetic. There ...” She studied him, then aimed a pointed finger. ”Around the eyes.”
”Don't be absurd.” He shrugged. ”I simply haven't been sleeping well.”