Chapter 13 (1/2)
Neta Chara chapter 13
(ps: once again I have to remind you that the series on this site all machine translated mistakes sometimes will occurred… some people complained about the lvl 999 which is poorly translated, but xant will be taking over theht?)
(ps2: talking about soet it… what’s the point if the person found out about it?)
(ps3: grammar nazi, bad translation coestion Rather than saying it was poorly translated and such, how about helpingthem? Feel free to join my ranks of editor and translation checker )
(ps4: if your japanese is that good why don’t you start your own translation? And why bother reading translated chapter lol?)
What Rina said about transported into another world may be considered as punishment for some, but I didn’t exactly feel that way In this life, I have Miri as my lover, Annabella as ret having co dark, we returned to Miri’s house
“This light is powered by htness”
After dinner, Miri take me to a tour around the house
“This will be your room Kent”
My rooht in thesized bed with canopy and table on both side There is also a set of sofa and table Of course this rooe
“This is my room?”
“I’m sorry, if you don’t like it you can choose any other rooe the furniture”
Well, this whole rooer than my house to tell the truth
“No, I was just aood this is”
“Ah, since this iselse you need”
After that, we resume the tour of the uest room Besides from mine and Miri, there are six other rooms and one that is used by Annabella We head to the first floor There is a living roo a e table placed in theit We didn’t enter the kitchen though because it is Anabella sanctuary
After finished touring the mansion I only have one question
“Come to think of it, where is the toilet?”
“What is the toilet?”
Miri tilts her neck while asked
“You know, restroom”
“Oh, I will take you there”
I’lad the concept of toilet exists in this world What’s more it’s theworks are already being developed here
“Then, do you want to see the bath?”
Uuh, just hearing her saying bath, I was too excited I wonder what kind of baths exist in this world Bubble? Steam?
“It ht be too small for you”
Miri said that while opened the sliding door There is stea out from the hot water inside the bath The water itself comes out fro fro as a public bath
“The hot water is constantly supplied using ic stone So it can be used anytime”
Hearing Miri words, I am so inspired To be able to take a hot water bath anyti in a five-star hotel For japanese that loved to take a hot spring bath (onsen) this feels like heaven
“Miri, this is alad I come to this world”
“I’ladit suites your taste Kent… well, how about we enter together after dinner?”
Eh?Together? Who? Me and Miri?
“What? Oh, yes”
I replied involuntarily in surprise
“Kent-sama, Miriaria-sama, dinner is ready”