Part 43 (1/2)

”. . . the needy villain's general home, The common sewer of Paris and of Rome!”

where ingenious vice too frequently triumphs over talented worth--where folly riots in the glare of luxury, and merit pines in indigent obscurity.--Allons donc!--another ramble, and chance may probably ill.u.s.trate my observation.”

”Take notice,” said the discriminating Dashall to his friend, as they reached the Mall in St. James's Park, ”of that solitary knight of the woeful countenance; his thread-bare raiment and dejected aspect, denote disappointment and privation;--ten imperial sovereigns to a plebeian ~328~~ s.h.i.+lling, he is either a retired veteran or a distressed poet.”

The object of curiosity, who had now seated himself, appeared to have attained the age of fifty, or more--a bat that had once been black--a scant-skirted blue coat, much the worse for wear--a striped waistcoat--his lank legs and thighs wrapt in a pair of something resembling trowsers, but ”a world too wide for his shrunk shanks”--short gaiters--shoes in the last stage of consumption--whiskers of full dimensions--his head enc.u.mbered with an unadjusted redundancy-of grey hair: such were the habiliments and figure of this son of adversity!

The two friends now seated themselves on the same bench with the stranger, who, absorbed in reflection, observed not their approach.

The silence of the triumvirate was broken in upon by Tom, who, with his usual suavity of manners, politely addressed himself to the unknown, on the common topic of weather, _et cetera_, without eliciting in reply more than an a.s.senting or dissenting monosyllable, ”You have seen some service, Sir?”


”In the army, I presume?”


”Under Government?”


”In the navy, probably?”


”I beg your pardon,” continued Dashall--”my motives originate not in idle inquisitiveness; if I can be of any service------”

The stranger turned towards him an eye of inquiry. ”I ask not from impertinent curiosity,” resumed Dashall, ”neither would I wish indelicately to obtrude an offer of a.s.sistance, perhaps equally unnecessary as unacceptable; yet there are certain mutabilities of life wherein sympathy may be allowed to partic.i.p.ate.”

”Sir,” said the other, with an immediate grateful expansion of mind, and freedom of communication--”I am inexpressibly indebted for the honour of your solicitude, and feel no hesitation in acknowledging that I am a literary writer; but so seldom employed, and, when employed, so inadequately requited, that to me the necessaries of life are frequently inaccessible.”

~329~~ Here Tallyho interrupted the narrator by asking--whence it was that he had adopted a profession so irksome, precarious, and unproductive?

”Necessity,” was the reply. ”During a period of eight years, I performed the duties as senior Clerk of an office under Government; four years ago the establishment was broken up, without any provision made for its subordinate dependents; and thus I became one of the twenty thousand distressed beings in London, who rise from bed in the morning, unknowing where to repose at night, and are indebted to chance for a lodging or a dinner!”{1} 1 The following calculation, which is curious in all its parts, cannot fail to interest the reader:--

The aggregate Population on the surface of the known habitable Globe is estimated at 1000,000,000 souls. If therefore we reckon with the Ancients, that a generation lasts 30 years, then in that s.p.a.ce 1000,000,000 human beings will be born and die; consequently, 91,314 must be dropping into eternity every day, 3800 every hour, or about 63 every minute, and more than one every second. Of these 1000,000,000 souls, 656,000,000 are supposed to be Pagans, 160,000,000 Mahomedans, 9,000,000 Jews, only 175,000,000 are called Christians, and of these only 50,000,000 are Protestants.

There are in London 502 places of Wors.h.i.+p--one Cathedral, one Abbey, 114 Churches, 132 Chapels and Chapels of Ease, 220 Meet-ings and Chapels for Dissenters, 43 Chapels for Foreigners, and 6 Synagogues for Jews. About 4050 public and private Schools, including Inns of Courts, Colleges, &c.

About 8 Societies for Morals; 10 Societies for Learning and Arts; 112 Asylums for Sick and Lame; 13 Dispensaries, and 704 Friendly Societies. Charity distributed 800,000 per annum.

There are about 2500 persons committed for trial in one year: The annual depredations amount to about 2,100,000.

There are 19 Prisons, and 5204 Alehouses within the bills of Mortality. The amount of Coin counterfeited is 200,000 per annum. Forgeries on the Bank of England in the year 150,000. About 3000 Receivers of Stolen Goods. About 10,000 Servants at all times out of place. Above 20,000 miserable individuals rise every morning without knowing how or by what means they are to be supported during the pa.s.sing day, or where, in many instances, they are to lodge on the succeeding night.

London consumes annually 112,000 bullocks; 800,000 sheep and lambs; 212,000 calves; 210,000 hogs; 60,000 sucking pigs; 7,000,000 gallons of milk, the produce of 9000 cows; 10,000 acres of ground cultivated for vegetables; 4000 acres for fruit; 75,000 quarters of wheat; 700,000 chaldrons of coals; 1,200,500 barrels of ale and porter; 12,146,782 gallons of spirituous liquors and compounds; 35,500 tons of wine; 17,000,000 pounds of b.u.t.ter, 22,100,000 pounds of cheese; 14,500 boat loads of cod.

~330~~ ”May I ask,” said Mr. Dashall, ”from what species of literary composition you chiefly derive your subsistence?”

”From puffing--writing rhyming advertis.e.m.e.nts for certain speculative and successful candidates for public favour, in various avocations; for instance, eulogizing the resplendent brilliancy of Jet or j.a.pan Blacking--the wonderful effects of Tyrian-Dye and Maca.s.sar Oil in producing a luxuriant growth and changing the colour of the hair, transforming the thinly scattered and h.o.a.ry fragments of age to the redundant and auburn tresses of youth--shewing forth that the ”Riding Master to his late Majesty upwards of thirty years, and Professor of the Royal Menage of Hanover, sets compet.i.tion at defiance, and that all who dare presume to rival the late Professor of the Royal Menage of Hanover, are vile unskilful pretenders, ci-devant stable-boys, and totally undeserving the notice of an enlightened and discerning public! In fact, Sir, I am reduced to this occasional humiliating employment, derogatory certainly to the dignity of literature, as averting the approach of famine. I write, for various adventurers, poetical panegyric, and ill.u.s.trate each subject by incontrovertible facts, with appropriate incident and interesting anecdote.”

”And these facts,” observed Bob Tallyho, ”respectably authenticated?”