Part 40 (1/2)

These are ornamental during the summer, but useful in the winter; they contain fire-places completely hid from view.”

”Fire-places,” re-echoed Bob.

”Yes,” continued his Cousin; ”the smoke, descending, through the piers on each side, and by their means a sufficient warmth is at all times kept up in the room.”

”That is a capital contrivance,” said Tallyho.

”Then, to prevent the possibility of sustaining any serious injury from fire, on the ground, one and two pair stories, the communication is cut off by means of iron doors, which run on wheels in chase in the centre of the walls, and are moved backward and forward by a windla.s.s; which doors are closed every evening, and would effectually prevent a communication beyond their boundaries. Fire-proof rooms also, as repositories for valuable books ~302~~ and papers, are provided on each floor, where the important doc.u.ments of the establishment are deposited every evening, and removed in trunks to the respective offices. There are in all 121 rooms devoted to various offices. This however is the here the general business is transacted, particularly for all foreign concerns, both inwards and outwards. The s.h.i.+p Master first makes the report of the cargo here; the entries of which, either for payment of duties, warehousing, or subsequent exportation, are all pa.s.sed with the respective officers in this room. The business of the customs is managed by nine Commissioners, whose jurisdiction extends over all parts of England. We will now pa.s.s out at the west wing, adjourn to yon Tavern, refresh and refit, and after which a further walk.”

”With all my heart,” said Tallyho.

”What ho, Master B------,” said Dashall, saluting the Landlord as he entered the Tavern--”How does the world wag with you?--send us some soda water--the newspaper--let somebody clean our boots--give us pen, ink and paper, and prepare us some breakfast with all speed, but no fish, mind that.”

The Landlord bowed a.s.sent to his honourable customer; and by the time they were ready, their orders were complied with.

”Pray,” inquired Dashall of the obliging Landlord, who came in to ask if they were supplied with all they wished for, ”did you ever recover any thing from that das.h.i.+ng Blade that so obligingly ordered his dinner here?”

”Never got a halfpenny--no no, he was not one of those sort of gentry--nor do I ever wish to see such again in my house.”

This was uttered in a tone of discontent, which evidently shewed he had no relish for the conversation.

Dashall could not refrain from laughter; upon perceiving which, the Landlord withdrew with a loud slam of the door, and left his customers to enjoy their mirth.

”What are you laughing at?” cried Bob.

”Why,” continued his Cousin,

”There was, as fame reports, in days of yore, At least some fifty years ago, or more, A pleasant wight on town----”

~303~~ And there are many pleasant fellows now to be met with; but you shall have the tale as I had it: This house has been celebrated for furnis.h.i.+ng excellent dinners, and the cookery of fish in particular; consequently it has been the resort of the Bucks, the Bloods, and the das.h.i.+ng Swells of the town, and I myself have been well entertained here. It will therefore not be wondered at that its accommodations should attract the notice of a Sharper whose name and character were well known, but who was in person a total stranger to the unsuspecting Landlord, whom however he did not fail to visit.

Calling one afternoon for the purpose of seeing how the land lay, in high twig, and fas.h.i.+onably dressed, he was supplied with a bottle of sherry, and requested the landlord to take a part with him--praised the wine, talked of the celebrity of his house for fish, and gave an order for a dinner for sixteen friends during the following week. The bait was swallowed,

”For a little flattery is sometimes well.”

'But are your wines of the first quality? (inquired the visitor;) for good eating, you know, deserves good drinking, and without that we shall be like fishes out of water.'--' Oh, Sir, no man in London can supply you better than myself (was the reply;) but, if you please, you shall select which you may like best, my stock is extensive and good.' He was consequently invited into the cellar, and tasted from several binns, particularly marking what he chose to conceive the best. Upon returning to the parlour again--' Bless me, (cried he) I have had my pocket pick'd this morning, and lost my handkerchief--can you oblige me with the loan of one for present use? and I will send it back by one of my servants.'

'Certainly, Sir,' was the reply; and the best pocket-handkerchief was quickly produced, with another bottle of wine, the flavour of which he had approved while below. He then wrote a letter, which he said must be dispatched immediately by a Ticket-porter to Albemarle Street, where he must wait for an answer. This being done, lie desired a coach to be called--asked the Landlord if he had any silver he could accommodate him with, as he had occasion to go a little further, but would soon return.

This being complied with, by the Landlord giving him twenty s.h.i.+llings with the expectation of receiving a ~304~~ pound note in return, he threw himself into the coach, wished his accommodating Host good afternoon, promised to return in less than an hour, but has never shewn his face here since. Poor B------don't like to hear the circ.u.mstance mentioned.”

”Zounds!” said Tallyho, ”somebody was green upon the occasion; I thought people in London were more guarded, and not so easily to be done. And who did he prove to be after all?”

”No other than the well-known Major Semple, whose depredations of this sort upon the public rendered him so notorious.”

Having finished their repast, Tom was for a move; and they took their way along Thames Street in the direction for Tower Hill.


”This life is all chequer'd with pleasures and woes That chase one another like waves of the deep, Each billow, as brightly or darkly it flows, Reflecting our eyes as they sparkle or weep; So closely our whims on our miseries tread, That the laugh is awak'd ere the tear can be dried; And as fast as the rain-drop of pity is shed, The goose-plumage of folly can turn it aside; But, pledge me the cup! if existence can cloy With hearts ever light and heads ever wise, Be ours the light grief that is sister to joy, And the short brilliant folly that flashes and dies.”