29 Metal Lich chapter 24. De tin marín…! (1/2)
I turned to see the ladder, from where I had jumped a few moments ago, but I felt as if my ankles were restricted by chains making it difficult to walk.
”It seems the chances that the Bat Monster, goin to chase me down through that corridor if they were a combination of null or very low. ”I thought, when I saw the corridor still smoking, while lava still flowed through it.
I close my eyes and start to remember the room from the Boss Bat, once again. In front of me was a stage like the one used by judges to judge people, On the left there was a space that I assume was for the jury, and to the right was the entrance to this room.
When I opened my eyes, I had a clear image of that place, I moved my right hand and then my left, but logically what moved was my tail. What I was trying to do was see where the exit of that room was.
Which means the ladder on my left, was a wall a way of the monster bat's room. While the exit from that room was to the right which means, Except for this gate, I could only go west.
Once again, I turned to see my two escape hatches, on my left side. Again, I turn to the left to see the two stairs, it was hard to move when trying to move my legs.
I looked at the area of my legs and discovered that I was naked since my flaccid member was quietly in hanging, however that was not what I had to look at. I could see legs proportional to this body, which were joined with a skin membrane that reached from below my member to a few centimeters over my ankles. Seeing this, that explained everything, I needed to learn to fly.
With what I remembered that I was going to a little warm-up to distinguish the different parts of my body. I relax my body and start doin some joint warming
”First move the neck up and down a couple of times…
Next, turn the neck to each side a couple of times…
Next, neck up and then off to the side…
Next, move the shoulders while I move my ankles out…” My wings began to move forward and backward.
”Wow!” I said amazed when I realized that I could move my wings.
”Next, shoulders forward ankles inward!” My wings they kept moving forward and backward.
”Next, elbows twist outward as we move the other ankle out!” With what happened something curious, my tail started to turn to the left, returning to his position behind me, again and again.
”Next, elbows turned inward as we move the other ankle inward!” With what my tail started to turn to the right, returning to his position behind me, again and again.
”Next, hip flexion bending knees hip turn to the left then turn to the rigth!” So, the wing to the right moved forward and backward in the moment once when I turn to the rigth, and if I turned to my left the wing would move on that side.
”Next, hip flexion like a bent pendulum knees, while bending knees!” This caused both wings to start to flap simultaneously, quickly managing to make me take off, from the ground for a few meters. However, I felt something heavy that was dragging me to the ground.
”Yes! This is what I was looking for! ” I said excited, I flapped my wings with more force, then I did a little circle flight and discovered that heavy thing was hindering my takeoff from the ground, look down and it was my tail. I looked at for a while surprise and then I remembered that this tail was made from metal.
”You have learned the skill Flying Level 0!” My Omnivaiz said. Thanks to this warm-up, I had learned to fly, so I decided to finish the routine and did it every day.
”Next step of warming up, hands on thighs on knees, move forward and back!” Logically as I have no hands, my wings they chose to wrap me like a cape, while the tail wrapped around my waist on the cape. What at first glance seemed like a robe. However, this form does not seem very useful to me, so I slowly unwrapped this form.
I stretched one more time and felt vitalized then looked at my quickly status that said:
Kenishi Wells.
Metal Lich.
General Status:
Cursed +.
Leak in: -12 HP
55 pts
Health point: