21 Metal Lich chapter 16. + Rice Exterminators. (1/2)

Metal Lich Xmaz 30380K 2022-07-22


The hall was full of zombies, as far as my eyes could see, I had forgotten that Doommew was level 20, therefore, what for her was nothing, for me it could be my end. Instinctively I looked at my body, it was no longer just a metal head, it had a massive body like that of a Gorilla, maybe more truthfully, although my body was that of a gorilla, I was still a machine, or something like that. On top of that it could magically turn into a wagon that looked like a toy. A ride for a 10 year old. I no longer depended on my force field to defend my life, although maybe yes. For a moment I was tempted to shoot them with the lacer rays of my canyon on my arm, it would be counterproductive, since my force field would be consumed.

For a few nanoseconds I released control of my mechanical body, to relax, so I returned to my dark world, which was the first place where I woke up, after being reborn in this zombie-ridden world. I saw the three monitors in front of me, on the left I could see the list of all my spells, on the right my fast status and on the front my life bar and the world around me. I didn't need to let go of my body to come back here, just thinking what I wanted to see was enough. Because the sound of the systems behind me was reassuring, but I didn't want to look behind me because behind me there is nothing, but the darkness of an infinite abyss.

My eyes checked my spells and when I reached \”Electric Wave\”, I remembered that I could roast 10 zombies and half toast another 5. Then without thinking about it I held my arm with the cannon and said:

\”Electric Wave! Electric Wave!\”

\”Ping! there is not enough mana!\” Me dijo el Omnivaiz

\”Got damn!\” I would have liked to shoot multiple times, right in front of the door, but I only managed to shoot in the areas where I would possibly land.

\”Ding, Ding! You have spent 3 pts of mana, 3 pts of spirit, 1 pts of vitality, 1 resistance, 1 stamina, 13 more used to level up\” Ominivaiz told me.

Waves of white energy were produced when casting the spell, these were the height of an average person and the width of three people together or standing next to each other. The crosses the bodies of zombies, roasting them to ashes.

I do not need to use the canyon to trigger the spell, but this is the equivalent of my magic wand, which helps me channel my spell more efficiently as well as helping me to aim better.

I briefly looked at the consumption of statistics in my dark world, displaying it on the monitor on the right that said:

Health: 209/209.

Mana : 6/20 (111) pts.

Spirit: 1/13 (56) pts.

Vitality: 10/19 (57) pts.

Stamina: 18/19 (57) pts.

Resistance: 1/10 (108) pts.

Regeneration 21/21(38)pts

Originally my plan was for him to regenerate, my status points, at least 3 points from here to the floor, over our heads, to reach a regular status. The problem with this data was that it was not possible form me to use any of the spells that consumed, spirit as fuel for its launch, the only thing that encourages me is that both the Force Field, and the Light as a feather spell, these reduce the damage that I receive, therefore the damage that I would receive would go directly to vitality and then to my life points. In a clearer way….

\”Ding! Ding!\” You have risen to level 5, earned 15 points! \” My Omnivaiz told me, interrupting my thoughts.

So I saw my fast status and realized that all my status was full. Then I remember that previously I already had 5 points accumulated with what my accumulated points would be a total 20 point, and looking at the current regeneration it had 21 points, which means that in a regenerative hour approximately one point every 3 minutes, to all my status, so seeing the situation I was, I decided invested the 20 accumulated points that I had in regeneration points, so I fixing my mind on the regeneration status, the following label appeared that made me feel like a fool:

\”You can use your regeneration accumulated point, to regenerate any type of status point, that you need fill to use!\” It was then that I remembered that the points could be used and that these not only represented the speed with which the points regenerated.

What made me scold myself.

\”Idiot, idiot, it means that I could have covered my team with force field and I would have had plenty of other things.\” I thought.

Then angrily I yell:

\”Electric Wave! Electric Wave! Electric Wave! Electric Wave!\”