12 Chapter 9 the Locker (1/2)

Metal Lich Xmaz 23430K 2022-07-22

When he could see, he saw that the body in front of him had disappeared.

When he turned around, what he saw was a crystal floating in the middle of the classroom. The crystal had a bronze look, he came closer to see it better, he look at his quick status, but he saw no changes, he did not feel any change in the environment, he really wanted to hold it to see what skill he could get, but he was afraid that the same sinister thing that happened with the silver crystal would happen to him again.

In front of him a dimensional crack opened, where everything that was seen was a black darkness, as if the abyss was looking at it and wanted to devour him ....

”Boom!” he hear a blast and suddenly he feel a crash that sends him flying, to the back of the room.

He lost 20 point of life and 15 point of the feather spell, when he saw his attacker he saw a green humanoid being, with a height similar to his, with a silver helmet, It was like a version of the Rene Frog, but it had a silver sword in its right hand, a medium shield on the left, he was covered by a light leather armor that have metal plate covered in the vital parts.

Looking at him carefully, he must be an explorer soldier.


The Frog explorer saw that in front of him there was a monkey statue lying on the ground, so looking all around, he rubbed his head wondering if this was in front of the portal when he was thrown to this side.

The frog explorer approached by the left side of the statue, this was done to know if this was a treasure or something worth throwing to his dimension.

When he was a few centimeters from this inert body he saw that the statue had a huge skull attached to the body and suddenly heard a scream that said:

”Primate Punch!” Simultaneously the humanoid frog watched in horror as the eyes of the skull lit up and immediately received a punch in the chest that sent him flying against one side of the classroom.

This sudden blow brought his life points down to 10 pts, causing a slight paralysis.

Metal Lich get up and go to him and put his hand on his head and said:

Copy Skill! ”In the monitor on the right appeared the word 'Copy Skill (CS)'.

”Keep your hand on the creature, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Ping ... you gain the passive ability non newtoniano saliva.”

His Omnivaiz told him and aside of CS a countdown appeared that started from 60 second.

He felt a small pain in his throat where where two salivary glands were born.

With this new sensation in his throat, he said sarcastically:

”Wonderful now I can swallow saliva!”