1 Chapter 1 That was not a dream (1/2)
”Aaaaaah” I scream waking up from a nightmare. He had dreamed that a group of zombies had broked him and separated him into pieces. In this dream, he possessed a metal body, although it was not a complete body exactly, it was a metal skeleton.
When he opened his eyes he realized that he was in a dark place, he tried to get up but realized he could not move a finger.
”Where was the last place I was?” he thought while trying to touch his chin when he remembering that he could not move.
As if a light had lit in his mind he remembered that he was not long ago, on the roof of his university when suddenly the sun began to shine with a celestial light and a mad king with the power of a God I speak to him directly to his mind. He told him that everyone's life would change.
From the sky a shower of golden sparks fell, falling on all the people or things that were in front of him, until the end of the horizon. So he did not know how many people had been contaminated with these sparks but he supposed that could be all those who were in his city.
The bright sparks when touched did not give off any sensation of heat, but some moments of entering his body gave him the sensation of having been bitten by ants, so his brain began to send small signals of pain and itching. The itching began to feel in his arm, so he saw that a small black device began to emerge from his wrist as if it were a clock, however by no place could you read the time, on this device you could only see a golden light blinking.
Then in his vision appears a status bar that said Updating Proxy X, this left him stunned.
Seeing this he thought it was the new update for the Ra Proxy X console, this was a Device Proxy Entertainment Company, it was one of his most popular products in the world because it could be used as an easy-to-use phone and laptop.
Its basic operation was to add virtual information to existing physical information or what is known as augmented reality. With which you could enter Retsuken Word MMORPG number one in the world. He knew about the new update that was soon to come out in October, but nobody had said anything about an update in March.
Then a chubby boy in glasses, pointing at the black clock on his wrist, shouted:
”It is one of the most important creations of Ash Muth, it is the Omnivaiz! Choose a race” With what he saw that the boy pressed the cover of the Omnivaiz and said:
”Inferno .... aaaaah” said the plump boy, while shouting, because his body started go and fire, then a light layer of inea rock covered his body in the form of an armor, which instantly turned red as lava. All this happened while screaming, luckily for him this transformation just hard a break. Seeing his hands of fire said: ”All that pain was worth it.”
Everyone who saw Inferno saw a fiery monster that started to throw flames everywhere. Another boy saw it and said:
”We can become the creatures of Vend X!” and said:
”Sixthpus”, A golden light covered him and they could see his body inside as if they had X-ray vision, his bone structure changed, becoming
stronger and adding two more arms to
its structure with what became a being of 4 arms to have 6 limbs, with what they could see as they added a new layer of muscles, their skin was brown and one in his face shone his two emerald eyes. His clothes had become the uniform of the University, adapted for this creature to use, but with his arms uncovered. He started doing poses with his huge muscles and lifting heavy things. Everyone who was close was excited to see the transformations, but there was a boy who said:
”Woooo, How animated I am, only the aliens of Vend X, I would have liked to transform myself into the Cheetah of Evolvermen”
The black device is his hands said:
”Command accepted.”
With what the boy grew more hair in his arms, stronger muscles in all his body with what his uniform was broken and his hands came out of bone gazes, the boy was crazy with joy.
He had read about the new races that were going to be introduced to the World of Retsuken, so he recognized that Inferno was a Pyromancer, Sixthpus was an Evosapien.
He saw another boy become vampires, other lycanthropes, some beastmen and some other fantasy monsters.
As he was carrying his Ra Proxi X, he thought that this was some kind of event, in which he could create a new avatar or improve the one he already has, so he began to imagine how he could improve his living skeleton.
He remembered that many times his Liche had died, was because they had set him on fire, with which he said that the new body that he goin to create, it goin to be like the one of The Terminator(1984) and he would hide his phylactery inside his hard electronic head.
He thought that the process that the others did was to imagine the character and Proxy X will make the creation of character directly from his minds and just by saying the name of his character, it was enough to start the transformation, with what he said:
”Metal Lich” then it was at this moment that a strong electric current began to run inside of his veins, he felt gradually how his muscles began to become servo motors, his blood become a viscous liquid like oil and with this he saw that his bones began to be more visible with what went from white to a metallic silver thing.
”With what I want a mirror to look at my killer machine face”, he thought.
When he looked at his hands he saw they were made of metal with what he thought:
”With this, I will be the perfect Liche hahaha!”
Once transformed he try to move, but the first thing he notice, is that he felt isolated from everything around him.
His character for him was like trying to move in a 50kg space suit, he know how this feel, because his dream was to become a space pilot, once he had the opportunity to use an analog space suit that is used when going to Mars, this is why he remembers that every movement that takes place inside these suits is more difficult, because you also have to move the gas inside the suit - basically the suit wants to expand to its more relaxed position, just like an inflated balloon and each movement is like folding a balloon full of air. So you can already imagine the enormous physical effort that requires moving with this.
With what little by little began to see the first parameters of the machine system like the temperature, the mana, the vitality, the durability of the transformation and the different systems that help to make his mechanical character work.
The after several laps Practice movements with his new skeleton character, he felt that he could move freer, then he wanted to see his current status compared with his previous character so see if this one is better,he said:
”Status.” A voice from his Omnivaiz said:
”Ding Ding! Parameters not available at this time, wait for the update to complete.”