Part 14 (1/2)


”You see, Penny,” said Mr. Parker sympathetically, ”wealthy people have a way of being inaccessible to the press. They surround themselves with servants who have been trained to allow no invasion of their privacy.

They erect barriers which aren't easily broken down.”

”If only I could have reached Miss Kippenberg I feel sure she would have wished to learn about the ring,” returned Penny. ”Oh, well, let Jerry cover the story. I've lost interest.”

All that morning the girl went about the house in a mood of deep depression. She felt completely out of sorts and would scowl at her own reflection whenever she pa.s.sed a mirror. Nothing seemed to go right.

”I declare, I wish you would forget that silly wedding,” Mrs. Weems said wearily. ”Why don't you try working out your resentment on a tennis ball?”

”Not a bad idea,” admitted Penny. ”Only I have no partner. Louise is going away somewhere today to a charity bazaar.”

”Here in Riverview?” inquired Mrs. Weems with interest.

”No, it's to be held at Andover, twenty miles from Corbin. Louise is going with an aunt of hers. She invited me several days ago, but I didn't think it would be any fun.”

”You might enjoy it. Why don't you go?”

”I wonder if it isn't too late?” Penny glanced at the clock.

A telephone call to the Sidell home a.s.sured her that she would have ample time to get ready for the trip. She quickly dressed and was waiting when Louise and her aunt, Miss Lucinda Frome, drove up to the door.

”What sort of an affair is it?” Penny inquired as they traveled toward the distant town.

Miss Frome explained that the bazaar was being sponsored by members of the D.A.R. organization and would be held at one of the fas.h.i.+onable clubs of the city. As Miss Frome belonged to the Riverview chapter she and her guests would have an entry.

”I look forward to meeting a number of prominent persons today,” the woman declared. ”The Andover chapter has a very exclusive members.h.i.+p.”

Louise winked at Penny, for it was a source of amus.e.m.e.nt to her that her aunt stood in awe of society personages. Neither she nor her chum suffered from social ambition or a feeling of inferiority.

At Andover, Miss Frome drove the car to the City Club and parked it beside a long row of other automobiles, many of which were under the charge of uniformed chauffeurs.

”Oh, dear,” remarked Miss Frome nervously, ”I didn't realize how shabby my old coupe looks. I do hope no one notices.”

”Now don't start that, Aunty,” Louise said, taking her by the arm. ”Your car is perfectly all right. And so are you.”

They went up the steps of the stone building and mingled with the other women. So many persons were present that the three newcomers attracted no attention. Miss Frome was rea.s.sured to see that she was as well dressed as anyone in the room.

Several long tables were covered with various articles offered for sale.

Penny and Louise wandered about examining objects which struck their fancy. Miss Frome bought a vase and an imitation ivory elephant, but the girls considered the prices too high for their purses.

Presently, Penny's gaze was drawn to a young woman who stood behind one of the tables at the far end of the room. She stopped short and stared.

”See someone you know?” inquired Louise.

”Why, that young woman with the dark hair and the lace dress, Louise! She is Sylvia Kippenberg!”

”Really? I must say she has courage to come here today after all that happened!”