Part 6 (1/2)

”You talk as if they were gone forever,” laughed Penny. ”Other good stories will come along.”

”Maybe,” said Salt, ”but covering a wedding is pretty tame in comparison.”

”Yet this one does have interesting angles,” Penny insisted. ”Can't you almost feel mystery lurking about the place?”

”No, but I do feel a mosquito sinking his stinger into me.” Salt slapped vigorously at his ankle.

They followed the path on toward the river, coming soon to a trail which branched off to the right. Across it had been stretched a wire barrier and a neatly lettered sign read:


”Why do you suppose the path is blocked off?” Penny speculated.

”Let's find out,” Salt suggested with a sudden flare of interest. ”Maybe we'll run into something worth a picture.”

Penny hesitated, not wis.h.i.+ng to disregard the sign, yet eager to learn what lay beyond the barrier.

”Listen,” said Salt, ”just put your little conscience on ice. We're here to get the 'who, when, why and where.' You'll never be a first cla.s.s newspaper reporter if you stifle your curiosity.”

”Lead on,” laughed Penny. ”I will follow. Only isn't it getting late?”

Salt looked at his watch. ”We still have a safe fifteen minutes.”

He started to step over the wire, only to have Penny reach out and grasp his hand.

”Wait!” she whispered.

”What's the idea?” Salt turned toward her in astonishment.

”I think someone is watching us! I'm sure I saw the bushes move.”

”Your nerves are jumpy,” Salt jeered. ”It's only the wind.”

Even as he spoke the foliage to the left moved ever so slightly and a dark form could be seen creeping stealthily away along the ground.


Salt acted instinctively. Leaping over the wire barrier he dived into the bushes. Hurling himself upon the man who crouched there, he pinned him to the ground. The fellow gave a choked cry and tried to pull free.

”Oh, no, you don't,” Salt muttered, coolly sitting down on his stomach.

”Snooping, eh?”

”You let me up!” the man cried savagely. ”Let me up, I say!”

”I'll let you up when you explain what you were doing here.”

”Why, you impudent young pup!” the man spluttered. ”You're the one who will explain. I am Mrs. Kippenberg's head gardener.”