Part 5 (1/2)
”I'm Monica,” the girl said. She wore blue shorts and matching sneakers. She had large brown eyes, a turned up nose, and short brown hair.
But they were indeed cute. ”Uh, haven't you gotten something confused?” Pia asked them.
The children looked at each other. Then they laughed together, and their clothing started to change. Soon he wore the shorts and she wore the dress Her hair also lengthened to support the red ribbon, while his shortened.
Edsel came out of his haze. ”What happened?” he asked.
”A demoness smoked your eyeb.a.l.l.s,” Breanna said. ”Now we have a ch.o.r.e.”
”Oh. yeah,” he agreed vaguely.
”Let's explore!” Ted cried, das.h.i.+ng off. Monica followed.
”Stay on the path!” Breanna called after them.
Monica paused, looking back. ”Why?”
”Because you're half human. If a dragon chomps you, you'll feel it. A dragon can't get you on the enchanted path.”
The child made a cute moue. ”Aing intrigued.
”Apromise,” Breanna said. ”Dear, why don't you want to tell us?”
”Because you'll take it and we won't have it.”
”But it's not dangerous, to you or us?”