Part 26 (1/2)

Although life may seem extinct, make every effort at resuscitation.

Various procedures are advocated. The Sylvester method is one of the best.

Hold the boy for it few seconds as in Figure 2, to get rid of water which may have been taken in. Do this several times. Tear off clothing. Rub briskly the legs and arms toward the body. Draw the tongue forward every three seconds for a minute. If these methods fail to restore breathing, then perform artificial respiration, first sending for a physician.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Respiration]

Lay the boy on his back with a folded coat or sweater under his shoulders, and grasp his wrists or his arms straight up over his head as in Figure 3.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 3. RESPIRATION]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 4. EXPIRATION]

Pull steadily and firmly in that position while you count 1, 2, 3. This causes air to enter the lungs. Then quickly bring his arms down on his chest and press them firmly on his ribs (Figure 4) while you again count 1, 2, 3. This forces the air out of the lungs. Then quickly carry his arms over his head and down again, and repeat the same routine fast enough to make him breathe from twelve to sixteen times a minute. The tendency is to work too fast. If the work is done properly the air can be heard distinctly as it in and out of the air pa.s.sages. Sometimes the tongue drops back in the throat, stopping it up so no air can enter. If you suspect this, have an a.s.sistant grasp the tongue with a handkerchief and keep it pulled forward.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 5. Expiration.]

Cuts used by courtesy of Health-Education League.

Don't Give Up

It will make it much easier if you have another person push on the ribs for you when you relax the arms, as shown in Figure 5. Have him place the hands as shown in the figure with the thumbs toward the medium line in front, the fingers farther away, the palms just below the b.r.e.a.s.t.s; this will make the boy's nipples come just midway between the ends of the thumbs and the middle joint of the forefinger. Press firmly downward and inward toward the backbone.

Continue these motions about fifteen times per minute. Keep this up until the boy begins to breathe, himself. When done properly, the work is hard for the operator, and he should be relieved by some one else as soon as he gets tired.

Warmth and Quiet

As soon as the boy begins to breathe himself--but not before--his limbs should be well rubbed toward the heart. This will help to restore the circulation. He should afterward be put to bed, well covered with warm blankets, hot stones being placed at his feet, and warm drinks administered. Fresh air and quiet will do the rest.


”Boys' Drill Regulation,” published by the National First Aid a.s.sociation of America, and ”Boys' Life Brigade Manual of Drill,” published by the Boys' Life Brigade, London, England, are two small books containing a number of practical drills which may be used in training the boys in camp for emergency work.


Every camp for boys, no matter how small or how large, should plan for instruction in First Aid. This may be done by the camp physician, the director, the physical director, or some physician invited to spend several days in the camp.


The ill.u.s.tration on page 174 shows how one hundred boys were trained in Camp Couchiching. The ”litter” drill was especially attractive to the boys of Camp Becket. The boys were sent out in the woods in brigades of five each, one of whom was the leader. Only a small hatchet was taken by each squad. One of the boys was supposed to have broken his leg. An improvised ”litter,” or, stretcher, was made of saplings or boughs, strapped together with handkerchiefs and belts, so that in ten minutes after they left the camp the first squad returned with the boy on the litter and in a fairly comfortable condition.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Litter Drill]

Health Talks

A course of health talks given in popular form by those who are well versed upon the subject, cannot help but be instructive and productive of a greater ambition on the part of the boy to take good care of his body.

The following list of subjects is suggestive:

The Human Body and How to Keep It in Health 1 The Skeleton.

2 The Muscular System.

3 The Vascular System.

4 The Nervous System.

5 The Digestive System.