Part 12 (1/2)

Daniel 1:8; 6:4-10.

Lesson 2. To Help Other People at All Times. Exodus 3:1-11.

Lesson 3. To Obey the Scout Law. Exodus 20:3-17; Luke 10:26, 27; Matthew 7:12.

THE SCOUT SALUTE AND SIGN Lesson 4. Judges 12:6; Acts 4:12; Galatians 6:14.


THE SECOND CLa.s.s SCOUT Lesson 6. Have at Least One Month's Service as a Tenderfoot.

2 Samuel 15:1-6.

Lesson 7. Signalling. 1 Samuel 20:20-22; 35-39.

Lesson 8. Lay and Light a Fire. Fire Lighting Contest.

1 Kings 18: 22-24.

FIRST CLa.s.s SCOUT Lesson 8. Signalling. Daniel 5: 1-31.

Lesson 9. Go on Foot to a Given Point and Return and Give a Report of the Trip. Numbers 13:1-3; 17-21; 23-33.

Lesson 10. Produce an Article of Carpentry, Joinery or Metal Work. 2 Chronicles 2:11-16.

Lesson 11. Bring a Tenderfoot Trained in the Points Required for a Tenderfoot. John 1: 40-42.

THE SCOUT LAW Lesson 12. A Scout's Honor is to be Trusted. Genesis 39:7-10.

Lesson 13. Loyalty. Esther 4:8-16.

Lesson 14. A Scout is a Friend to All, and Must NEVER BE A Sn.o.b.

Luke 9:46-48.

Lesson 15. A Friend to Animals. 1 Samuel 17:12-16.

Lesson 16. Obey Orders. Jonah 1:1-3.

Lesson 17. Cheerfulness and Willingness.

Acts 16 :25; Phillippians 4:11-13.

Lesson 18. Thrift. Matthew 6:19-21.

THE GREAT SCOUT MASTER Lesson 19. Matthew 23:10.

Novel Bonfire

The author experienced something very unusual one Sunday afternoon in a camp where he was invited to speak. The talk was on ”Trees or Growth,” one of the studies of the course described. During the talk a number of things were referred to that enter into the growth of a tree which either mar or hinder it from becoming a symmetrical, beautiful tree and a similar comparison was made regarding a boy's growth. The question was asked of the boys, ”What are some of the things which interfere with a boy's growth physically, mentally and morally?” A number of things, such as smoking, swearing, impurity, etc., were given, and finally one of the small boys piped up ”reading dime novels.” His answer was received with howls of derision, especially from the older boys. ”Hold on,” I said, ”let's discuss the matter; if dime novels are good for a boy's growth mentally, we want to know about it, but if they are detrimental to this particular kind of desired growth, of course, we want to cut it out.” The discussion brought out the fact that a number of the boys had smuggled a lot of this kind of literature into camp and were just loafing through their time in the woods, gloating over the wonderful and daring escapades of Wild West heroes. The boys finally decided that their mental growth was r.e.t.a.r.ded by such reading. Then came the question, ”What are you going to do about it?”

”We don't usually have a bonfire on Sunday,” I said. ”I am inclined, however, to ask your leader for a special dispensation and we will have one.

You are to furnish the fuel, your leader the kerosene oil and I will provide the match. The fuel is to consist of all the dime novels in the camp.” ”Whew!” ”I know it will take grit to do this, but it is a test of your sincerity and determination to progress along right lines.” ”We're game?” yelled the boys, ”and we mean business.”

The start was made for the place where the bonfires were usually held. By the time I reached the spot, the boys were coming from their tents with bundles of novels. Every boy was requested to tear each novel in half and throw it upon the heap. When everything was ready, the boys uncovered and in the silence that came upon the group, the match was struck and the flames began to leap upward, until finally, all that remained was the small piles of ashes. For the majority of the boys it meant the burning up of the dross and the beginning of better and n.o.bler thinking. I shall always remember this novel bonfire. This is what I mean by making Bible study and camp talks effective.


Sunday afternoon is the time for reading good, wholesome stories. Take the boys out into the woods where they can squat under a big tree, or if the day is warm seek the cool shelter of the tent and while the boys are lying down read a short story or several chapters of a story like ”Dr.