Part 18 (1/2)

Cataract. Tara K. Harper 73700K 2022-07-22

”Pull us back,” he shouted. ”Hurry!”

Bowdie and Kurvan hauled. Doetzier didn't try to lift Wren's dead weight. He merely held Wren's head

and neck above the surface. Wren's body was dragged along it until they were on more solid brash. Tsia, trembling, scrambled off the platform; her mind, still caught up by the cougar, s.h.i.+vered with angry catspeak.

She stared across at Wren. Limp roots clung to his face like leeches. His sharp, birdlike chin hung open; his eyelids were closed, but she could feel a tiny light in her gate. She screamed at the cats in her mind to shut up. Ruka growled audibly to her side. She glared at the cat, and the cub was silent. With the wind, no one else even noticed.

”No pulse,” reported Striker, reaching around Doetzier to feel the other mere's neck.

”It's there.” Tsia did not recognize her own voice, it was so harsh.

Striker looked up. ”I feel nothing.”

”It's there.”

”He was down for over four minutes, Tsia. Even if the medlines fed his body the codes for oh-two--”

”He's alive,” she snarled. ”I can feel him in my gate. No thumping,” she snapped as Doetzier made to bare Wren's chest.

Striker did not bother to nod. She tilted back his head and, while Doetzier held him, scooped the water from his mouth. A moment later, she began to breathe for him as well as herself.

Tsia hung on that breathing. Ruka crouched in the gra.s.s, and unconsciously, Tsia reached back for the rea.s.surance of the cat. She connected with his body, and the cougar s.h.i.+fted closer. ”d.a.m.n you, Wren,” she whispered. ”Breathe.”

”I've got a pulse,” Doetzier said sharply.

Striker automatically turned her face to feel if Wren breathed on his own, and didn't even realize how futile that gesture was in the roar of the wind. A second later, she jerked to the side just as Wren vomited. He coughed, convulsed, retched, and coughed again. The woman sat back on her knees. She looked up and nodded at Tsia. She did not need to speak.

Tsia's hands trembled as she clenched them to her temples. Abruptly Wren curled onto his knees and spat. His hand, when he reached for the water to clean his lips and mouth, held a tiny tremor: He looked up, and Doetzier steadied him against the wind.

He squinted. The strands of gra.s.s that clung to Tsia's weather cloth made her look like a beggar. Wren tried to grin. Doetzier helped him to his feet, and he grasped a clump of tallgra.s.s in his hands as if to steady himself.

Tsia stood slowly. The cub had not left her shadow, and she had to push him away to get him to move back in the gra.s.s. Her gate was still wide open. Her heart seemed to beat in two rhythms, and neither was slow. The cat, who flicked his tail, growled constantly in her mind, and his feet seemed to pad across her thoughts so that she could not concentrate.

Doetzier looked at the water. ”The frame that Kurvan dropped,” he asked Tsia. ”Was it close enough to fish out?”

She shook her head.

”And Wren's pack?”

”It sank. It's far below the gra.s.s mat now.”

She caught Kurvan's dark expression as he watched her from the side. Doetzier eyed her in silence. She could feel the hostility in his gaze, and it made her edge away. ”It had antigravs,” Doetzier said softly.

”Wren said they cut out just before he went down. I didn't think to try them.”

He did not nod.

”I was more concerned with getting Wren,” she snapped, ”than checking on his gear.”

He shrugged and turned away to collapse the makes.h.i.+ft raft.

Tsia stared at him and got to her feet. ”d.a.m.n you,” she breathed. ”d.a.m.n you all to h.e.l.l.” She did not even know who she cursed.

It took them twenty minutes to break down the gear and get back out of the brash. No one mentioned the scame that was lost with Wren's breaker and the pack. His gear... The enbees... Uneasiness grew with every step Tsia took down the muddy trail. The skimmer crash... The antigravs... Since the moment the meres landed on the platform at dawn, they had been pared down, she realized suddenly. Twelve meres -thirteen, counting Tsia-and now there were seven left. Jandon had taken five shooters; the ocean had taken Tucker. Nitpicker almost went down in the lake. Kurvan would have gone off on the bridge. Of the two packs that were left, one carried only configuration gear, the other Kurvan's scannet. No manual corns were left in the packs. No e-gear or wide-range weapons. Only one handscanner on Bowdie's belt, his parlas, and the flexors on the hips of the other meres. It was like surgery where, in a predefined pattern, the pieces were cut away, so that all that was left were the bones and the biofields.

She paused and stared at the slick, gray water that still sat like harmless puddles. When she looked back at the other meres, only Doetzier met her eyes. The tightness of her jaw made her shudder till she welcomed the chill of her skin. It was three hours before dawn.

Kurvan saw her pause, and pushed past the other mere to catch up with her on the trail. He motioned with his chin back at Wren. ”I thought you said you couldn't sense a human through your gate.”

She didn't answer for a moment. ”I've known Wren for a long time,” she said finally. ”I'm familiar with his energy.”

”So you knew he was alive.”

”He was a shadow, like any other. Like you.”

”And like me,” the man retorted sharply, his voice gathering and projecting the fury that his biofield hid, ”he almost died because of your inaction.”

Tsia stared at him. ”What?”

”You may not have meant to push him down when you grabbed for him, but it would have been a h.e.l.l of a lot better to let me finish bringing him up with the pole.” He nodded at her expression. ”I had him,” he repeated coldly. ”You pushed him down. I could have brought him up long before he lost consciousness -if you hadn't made me lose my grip with the pole.”

She stared at him in disbelief. ”It was you-not I-who pushed him down. I had him. I dug my fingers into his hand as if he was my own brother.”

”And you also almost drowned him in place. Just like Tucker. And”-Kurvan's voice was harsh now -”perhaps, Nitpicker, too, before Bowdie swam down to help you-back in the lake?”

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. A snarl grew in her throat. Ahead, in the forest, Ruka paused and turned back.

Kurvan eyed her as if she were a parasite that had crawled out from a pore in- his skin. It had been a long time since anyone had looked at her with such revulsion, and she took an involuntary step back at the vehemence of his expression. ”Makes me wonder,” he said with a cold, deliberate tone, ”why these things occur only when you are there to... help. Do you really lead us to the freepick stake? Or do you work to keep us here? Away from the biochips, and away from the manual corns?”

He eyed her for another moment, then brushed past along the trail. She stared after him without moving. There was a snarling in her ears, and she could hear it resonating in her bones: It was her own throat that made those sounds. She shut her lips abruptly, but she could not move from her stance. It was not until Doetzier reached her frozen form that she realized the wind had carried Kurvan's words to the other mere as clearly as if they'd been spoken in his ears. Doetzier shot her a single look, then spat deliberately to the side. She could only glare at him till he pa.s.sed.

”G.o.ddam digger-sp.a.w.ned worm of a dith carca.s.s,” she cursed. At that moment, she didn't know which she hated more: Kurvan for thinking it of her, Doetzier for believing, or herself, for blaming neither one.

She shoved her way up to a thin stand of topoff cedar, while Nitpicker and the others slogged past. She could feel the cub slinking through the brush to meet her, and she welcomed him with a hedonistic rage. The odors of the meres filled her nose and made her fingers clench. She almost writhed with the focus that Ruka sent to her brain. Then she realized what she was doing.

”Daya,” she breathed. The violence of her anger shocked her, and she pressed her hands against the tree and stared at them as if they belonged to someone else. These were the fingers that held such instinct for self-preservation-such desperation when the fear hit her hard. Yet these were the same limbs that carried death inside their bones. And with Ruka there... She shook her head against the bark of the tree until the wood ground against her skin. She knew, if she pushed, the cub would track Kurvan down and kill him.

”Ah, Daya,” she whispered. ”What have I become?”

A thick hand touched her shoulder, and she whirled, spinning into a crouch. One hand stretched before her, and the other hand drew her flexor before her eyes focused and she recognized the stocky shape of Wren.

The other mere held his ground. He met her feral gaze with a look that seemed to bore its way into her center like a screw turning, chewing its way through the walls and layers of s.h.i.+elding she had built around her heart. The shadows of the whipping trees moved over his face like demons.