Part 9 (1/2)

”A. A. HUMPHREYS, ”_Major-General_.


”_Sec. of War, ad interim._”


NOTE.--The wood-cuts interspersed through this circular have been engraved to ill.u.s.trate scenes in the Battle of Gettysburg, and with many others will appear in the History of that Battle.



ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States, was by JOHN WILKES BOOTH on the night of April 14, 1865, at Ford's Theater, Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C. This night, fraught with woe to the peoples of two continents, sombered by its halo of diabolism, must forever remain the Golgotha of American history.

At the threshold of the temple of peace--the High Priest was stricken down--and the great heart whose every throb was a pulsation of love for his country's enemies, was robed in silence. In company with Mrs.

LINCOLN, Miss HARRIS, and Major RATHBONE, Mr. LINCOLN had sought a brief respite from the iron wheel of State toil, and in the search, through the medium of the's bullet, found a respite for all time.

Immediately after the fatal shot was fired, and under direction of a.s.sistant-Surgeons LEALE and TAFT, he was removed to a private house, and placed upon a couch in a small bedroom. ROBERT LINCOLN, General TODD, and Dr. TODD, cousins of Mrs. LINCOLN, and other personal friends, speedily arrived. His family physician, Dr. STONE, and Surgeon-General BARNES, accompanied by General CRANE, were in early attendance, and later he was visited by Drs. HALL and LIEBERMANN, and other eminent physicians, all of whom agreed that the wound was unto death. The bullet had entered the back of his head, and lodged behind the right eye.

Mr. LINCOLN was visited during the night by Vice-President JOHNSON and the entire cabinet, except Mr. SEWARD, including Secretaries MCCULLOCH, STANTON, WELLES, and USHER. Postmaster-General DENNISON, and Attorney-General SPEED, together with FIELD, ECKERT, and OTTO. There were also present Speaker COLFAX, Chief-Justice CARTTER, Senator WILSON, Representatives FARNSWORTH, ARNOLD, MARSTON, and ROLLINS, Governor OGLESBY, accompanied by Adjutant-General HAYNIE, Major HAY, Generals AUGER, MEIGS, and HALLECK, Ex-Governor FARWELL, Rev. Dr.

GURLEY, and Commissioner FRENCH, Colonels VINCENT PELOUZE and RUTHERFORD, and Major ROCKWELL. Early in the night Mrs. LINCOLN sent for Mrs. Senator DIXON, who was accompanied by her sister and niece, Mrs.

KINNEY and daughter. There were also a few others present during the night, but never more than half of those represented on the painting at any one time.

By the publicity of the it was soon known throughout the city, and thousands crowded the avenues leading to the house where the President lay.

The news of this tragic event flashed with the speed of lightning throughout the land. From Maine to California consternation reigned, and feelings of surprise and grief were depicted on every face. The great man now martyred had for more than four years held the highest place in the gift of the American people, and on him their hopes had centered.

The designer of the painting of


JNO. B. BACHELDER, arrived in Was.h.i.+ngton on the night of his death, and being impressed with the historic importance of the event, at once determined to collect such materials as should be necessary for an historical picture commemorating that sad scene, and should the demand warrant it, to publis.h.i.+ng a steel-plate engraving from it. The design for the painting was soon completed, and arrangements having been made with BRADY & CO., Photographers, as soon as the remains of the President left the city each of the persons represented were visited, and at their convenience were _posed_ and photographed in the position which they now occupy in the painting. It being important that the best possible original should be had for the engraver's use, the design was placed in the hands of ALONZO CHAPEL, Esq., the historical painter, to whose genius the painting is to be credited. Much of its completeness is due to the kindness and attention of the persons represented; as all cheerfully gave their time for frequent sittings, both to the designer and painter.

No expense has been spared to produce a work worthy the scene it represents, and the high encomiums given it by eminent judges is the best proof of the result.

To publish any thing now short of a first-cla.s.s copy of such a painting would be a breach of confidence to those who have so kindly aided in its production. The proprietor has therefore decided to have this picture engraved in the finest style of line and stipple, the engraved surface of the plate to be 18 31 inches; believing that nothing short of a _genuine work of art_ will meet the approval, and secure the patronage of the American people, and to those interested the proprietor can most confidently promise a suitable memento of their departed chief.

The engraving is being executed by H. B. HALL, Jr., Esq., the eminent engraver upon steel.

PRICE OF ENGRAVINGS.--PRINTS, =$15.00=; PLAIN PROOFS, =$35.00=; INDIA PROOFS, =$60.00=; ARTIST'S PROOFS (limited to 200 copies which will be numbered and signed by the artist and engraver), =$100.00=.

A beautiful engraved and photographic _Key_ to the Engraving will be presented to the subscribers. It is a complete picture of itself, and may be had in advance _by subscribers only_.

JOHN B. BACHELDER, PUBLISHER, _59 Beekman Street. New York_.

[Ill.u.s.tration: The Last Hours of Lincoln


1 Pres. LINCOLN.


3 Vice Pres. JOHNSON.


5 Mr. ARNOLD. M.C.


7 Sec. WELLES.

8 Att^y Gen. SPEED.

9 D^r. HALL.


11 Sec^y. USHER.