Part 26 (2/2)
And that sa vessel far out at sea sailed southward, leaving behind the unknown shores of Oregon,--her crew never drea the lost wanderer, Cecil Grey
Reht, And all that time ith for a space
After Cecil had been borne fro thee scene they had just witnessed, looked around for Tohoo, yet he wasfrom his accustomed place, and never was he seen or heard of ulfed his race, the legend casts no ray of light It is certain that the fall of the Bridge, hich his life was interwoven, had a disastrous effect upon hith of his life was broken It is probable that the orator-seer, feeling within hione, crept away into the forest to die Perhaps, had they searched for hi lifeless upon the leaves in so
Whatever his fate, the Indians never looked upon his face again
Multnomah made no comment on the death of Cecil, or on the prophecy of Tohomish, so much at variance with his own interpretation of the fall of the Bridge Whatever he had to say was evidently held in reserve for the closing talk hich he would soon disiven to Snoqualmie, and then Multnomah will open his hand and make you rich”
So said the war-chief; and a runner was dispatched with a suirls was seen approaching the grove Surrounded by the uard of honor, caedy that had just been enacted
A the chiefs they passed, and stopped before Multnomah As they paused, Wallulah looked around for Cecil in one quick glance; then, not seeing hily Multnomah rose and beckoned Snoqualmie to him He cairls stepped back a little, in involuntary awe of the two great sache alone before them
Her face wore a patient look, as of one who is very worn and weary, tired of the burdens of life, yet going forithout hope, without thought even, to other and still heavier burdens She was clad in a soft oriental fabric; her hair fell in luxuriant tresses upon her shoulders; her flute hung at her belt by a slender chain of gold
There was so unspeakably sad and heart-broken in her appearance, as she stood there, a listless, dejected figure, before those two gri her dooers of the other were clasped around her beloved flute, pressing it closely, as if seeking help froave her hand into Snoqualh her as she felt his touch, and she trembled fro effort
Snoqual through and through her, and she flushed faintly under their penetrating gaze
”She is yours,” said the war-chief ”Be kind to her, for though she is your wife she is the daughter of Multnomah” Soat her strange, sad look, and feeling vaguely that she was unhappy She tried to withdraw her fingers fro He held the over her, spoke in a low tone
”My band starts for hoo when I send for you”
She looked up with startled, piteous eyes
”To-day?” she asked in a choked voice
”To-day,” came the abrupt reply; too low for the others to hear, yet harsh enough to sting her through and through ”Do you think Snoqualoes back to his _illahee_ and leaves his woman behind?”
Her spirit kindled in resenthter been spoken to so harshly; then all at once it came to her that he _knew_,--that he must have followed Cecil and witnessed one of their last interviews Jealous, revengeful, the Indian was her rew pale to the lips He released her hand, and she shrank away from him, and left the council with her maidens No one had heard the few half-whispered words that passed between them but those who stood nearest noticed the deadly pallor that ca Multnolance that chilled even his haughty nature--a glance that said, ”Beware; she is the war-chief's daughter”