Part 34 (2/2)

”Great. Come in.” Elmo walked into Macy's bedroom and she shut the door. ”I'm surprised you were able to get it, with just a week's notice.”

Mallie Mae had lied when she told Sylvia the Mobleys were broke. It was true that Morford had given away most of their money to help AIDS victims. But he had never touched their Texaco stock. Macy wouldn't have cared if they hadbeen broke. She just wanted to be with Elmo.

”Me too. I called the hotel this morning and the lady told me they were booked up. But I explained our situation, and that it would be for our honeymoon and asked her to put us on the waiting list.”

”And I suppose you knewsomebody there and they pulled some strings for you.”

”No. But I think Cupid might have had something to do with it.” He smiled. ”Are you sure you don't mind just doing a weekend honeymoon in Dallas?”

”No, of course not. It'll be wonderful. And then we'll do the cruise in a few weeks.”

”And you're really okay with Mom going on the cruise?”

”Sure. She'll have her own room.”

”But we'll still see her a lot. So, if you don't want her to go, just tell me. There's still time to cancel her reservation. I know she'd understand.”

”No, really-it's okay. I loveMallie Mae.”

”Okay, good. I think it will be great for her. It'll give her a chance to meet some new people her age.”

”Baby, I've been wondering. Do think anybody will actually show up for our wedding?”

”Of course they will. What are you talking about?”

”Well, we've only given them a few days' notice. And you just cancelled a wedding last week.”

”Don't worry. Mom has put the word out. And believe me-her friends are spreading the news like wildfire. In fact, shethinks the church will be packed. It isa wonderful love story, you know-best friends finding love in each other's arms after so many years.”

”It's definitely myfavorite love story. And I can't wait to be Mrs. Elmo Mobley-Macy Mobley.” She stepped in close and put her arms around him.

”It doeshave a nice ring to it. Speaking of which...” he dropped to one knee and looked up at her, holding her left hand. ”It's time to do it right.” He reached into his pocket, pulled out a small box and flipped the top open, revealing a dazzling diamond ring. ”Macy Golong, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

Her face beamed with delight. ”Oh, Elmo, it's so beautiful. Yes, I-”

”-to live with me forever in holy matrimony?”

Her smile broadened further. ”Yes, Elmo, I-”

”-to love me with all your heart, as I love you?”

She giggled. ”Yes, of course, Elmo, I will-”

”-to make love to me day and night as long as we both shall live?”

”Yes, my dear s.e.x maniac. And I promise to do youin every way known to man.”

”Then it's a deal.” He slid the ring onto her finger and stood up. ”I love you, Macy.”

She pressed her body against his and began to kiss him as though it was already the wedding night.

He moved his hands down across her back and slid his fingertips under the waistband of her pants, and then for the first time, inside her panties. The feel of her firm, bare buns made him want to pull off those panties and everything else, and throw her on the bed.

There was a knock at the door.

Elmo's hands were instantly out of her panties and down at his sides-fast enough to make a magician proud.

Macy tried to catch her breath and sound normal. ”Yes?”

Mallie Mae cracked the door and stuck her head in. ”I just got off the phone with my friend Rachel. She says everybody in Coreyville is thrilled that you two are getting married. First Baptist Church is going to be the place to be next Friday night.”

”That's wonderful, Mallie Mae.”

”Yeah. Thanks, Mom.”

”Oh, and one other thing,” said Mallie Mae. ”Try to save something for the honeymoon.”

Macy and Elmo looked at each other, slightly embarra.s.sed.

Mallie Mae grinned as she closed the door. ”Goodnight.”

Carsie knew the old couple who owned the cabin. They lived down the road from her grandmother's house. She was sure they wouldn't mind her living there for a couple of weeks. They hadn't used it in over a year-since the husband's stroke.

Sylvia had talked about how they should have sold the place to help pay the mounting medical bills. But the wife still clung to the hope that her husband would recover. Then they would spend nearly every weekend at the cabin like they used to.

Carsie figured the police would eventually question Sylvia's neighbors, use a little common sense, and come to the cabin looking for her. She had been a fugitive for six days. But her time there would soon be over anyway.

It was 9:20 AM on, and many of the folks from neighboring cabins were out fis.h.i.+ng. Some of them were probably hoping to hook the proverbial big one that always gets away. She had her own big fish to catch. She planned to throw it down and watch it flop around until it died. Oh, what revenge it would be. What sweet revenge.

The Mobleys knew nothing of her high school days, and her archery medals. She was a bit rusty, but after four days of non-stop practice, her accuracy was coming back. And her new Browning Mirage ZX compound bow was the best she'd ever used. It was 33 inches, axle to axle, and weighed less than four pounds.

She had pulled off many successful cons with her sister and grandmother, beginning at age 20. She would lure in some poor sap and make him fall in love with her. She had a talent for it. Then, after they got married, Carnie would seduce him. Soon, Carsie would divorce him for his infidelity and take him for as much money as possible. The three women had worked as full-time con artists for ten years. Now her partners and her family were dead.

But for once in her life, with Elmo Mobley, she had not been faking-except in the beginning. She had foolishly fallen in love with him. But why? Elmo was 26 years older than her. It didn't make sense. Maybe it was becausehe was so much older. She had let her guard down because she felt safe. She could relax since there was no way she was going to fall in love with a guy old enough to be her father. But that was exactly what happened.

Carsie despised Macy. If the woman had wanted Elmo she could have had him years ago. Why had Macy waited until Carsie came along to show her true feelings? She knew she could never get Elmo back now. But she didn't want Macy to have him either.

If she had the opportunity to poison Macy, she wouldn't do it. If she had the chance to catch her alone somewhere and stab her through the heart, she wouldn't do that either. Why? Because she wanted Macy to suffer publicly. And she wanted Elmo to see his love die right before his eyes. She wanted the whole world to witness the destruction of the happy couple who had ripped the dreams of happiness from her soul.

They would pay for the death of Sylvia and Carnie. And for Carsie'sdeath. Because she would soon die also. There would be nothing left to live for...once she had destroyed the Mobleys.

”Yes!” Another bull's eye.
