Part 4 (1/2)

I picked upto see her safely, at any rate until within sight of her people

”What's your na, at first in silence



But before she could answer, two girls appeared round the pile of rocks, which we had nearly gained They looked startled at seeing me, then scared, and no doubt I looked a little wild, for a rational whiteclothes was not an everyday object Then they advanced shyly and somewhat aardly, and it occurred to me that they did not look quite the equals in the social scale of my little friend

The latter whispered toabout o into the water again Don't tell theive the required proood-bye, skipped off to join the tere awaiting her--rather aardly--at a little distance off

”Ungrateful little aniain but for me--that's as certain as that she's on it now”

Child-like, her first thought had been for herself--s even the barest expression of thanks I did not want to be thanked for saving her little life, still I thought she h she was And as I wendedon me under the powerful rays of the otten, I hope, of ratitude; still, the incident ht have availed to e and far away land, and of such I had none

In a state of corresponding depression, I sat down to dinner There were two other ricultural class, who perfor; and as I dividedin the necessary sustenance, I began to wonder what on earth I should do to get a living until the two land had elapsed Indeed, I began alret my steady refusal of Captain Morrissey's proffered loan; for that prince of good fellows had been really hurt because I had refused to borrow a ten pound note from him--which, he said, was most of what he had with hied, being on board shi+p all the time?

”Say, mister!” said a voice in my ear, accompanied by a characteristically fa for you”

I looked up and beheld the frowzy, perspiring barkeeper, in his usual shi+rt-sleeves A visitor for er coht better of his refusal, and I could open an account within rie as I followed him somewhat hastily to the front room Then disappointment awaited The rooer, and him I didn't know from Adam



The stranger, as looking out of the , turned as I entered, and I saw a tall good-looking young fellow, some three or four years my junior

”Don't you know me?” he said, with a shly puzzled, and the thought flashed through my mind he must be some relative of the child I had rescued

”I wondered if you would,” he went on ”I'm Matterson--Brian Matterson

We were at old wankley's together”

”By Jove! Why, so it is I'lad to ain, Matterson You were a youngster then, and it o, if not more”

”About that,” he answered; and by this ti

”How on earth did you find h?” I asked ”I don't know a soul in the land”

”That's just it I got on your spoor by theon business, and while I was yarning with Marshbanks I saw your card lying on the table That ht there couldn't be two _Kenrick_ Holts; if it had been Toe, or any name like that, of course it wouldn't have been so certain Marshbanks said you had called on hi before me, and he was sorry to have to disappoint you, because you looked a decent sort of chap; but still, biz was biz”