Vol 3 Chapter 22 (1/2)
at 1st of July 2019 10:59:40 AM
Chapter 22
Plains of Vitality II [Ancient Spell – Chaotic Moon]
Crane Fafnir is the Kamiko of Light
A boy who had lived in the Southern countryside as the son of a farmer, he had inherited the position of the Child of the G.o.d of Light . Up until a couple of years ago, he had been trained to become the trump card of the country .
Originally, the country would have preferred to keep him in the country as he trained his power, but Crane ended up leaving on a journey despite his immaturity . That is because of the revival of the Demon King . Crane had been sent alone on a journey, as that was the result of what was announced during the ceremony performed at the shrine in Merrick beforehand . And so, Crane, who had traveled to the Kingdom, the Princ.i.p.ality, and the Empire, had returned to the Professor country while chasing the girl named Justa . And once he was home, he heard that the Demon King’s Army was invading .
Crane and his friends have grown a lot after their many encounters . He is still developing, and is too weak to face the Demon King right now, but he is still in the process of reaching his peak strength . Yet now a great obstacle now stood before him .
In this colorful nation with four seasons, it was the time when leaves turn from green to tecolored . The moon was especially large and beautiful these days as it gradually became colder . Even on a sunny day, there is a bite to the wind only offset by the warmth of the sun .
If you are standing high up, then that sensation will be even greater .
“…There are so many . ” (Crane)
On the path along the great wall circling around the city, Crane leaned against the bal.u.s.trade . If one looked closely at the wall Crane was leaning on, you could see it has been strengthened by Law Magic . This was a result of combining the natural power of the location and combining it with the techniques the Professor Contry practices . It was clear that a powerful barrier existed here .
Looking forward, Crane listened to the noisiness surrounding him .
“Has anyone set up the siege weapons!?”
“There aren’t enough arrows! Bring some more over here!”
“Unit 103, home position! Follow instructions!”
Cross Legion Crusaders were rus.h.i.+ng around behind Crane . The unit of Law Magicians was particularly busy, and were sprinting back and forth . It’s almost time for the battle to start . Perhaps because there hadn’t been a battle on the mainland for a long time, the appearance of the officer giving orders seemed sorrowful .
No one wants their homeland to fall to ruin .
The voice that spoke in his ear was familiar, but surely he couldn’t be here, causing Crane to swing his head around . Sure enough, there was a person there that was not supposed to be there .
“Kaizelhan!” (Crane)
“Mhm…the four Cardinals are the strongest of the Law Magicians after all . When needed, we will appear on the front line . ” (Kaizelhan)
“But then…!!” (Crane)
“Josette and Lambda are already on the front line . ” (Kaizelhan)
“…” (Crane)
Kaizelhan . A Cardinal of the Professor Country, who used his power two years ago to struggle against the Demon King’s Army . As one of the Four Cardinals, he is at the top of those who currently watch over the country . As usual, with only a gentle smile, he would do his best to make his ideals reality . Looking across the Plains of Vitality, they saw the hostile demons .
“Soon…they will be in range . ” (Kaizelhan)
“Yeah, then the battle will start . ”
It’s a war . A b.l.o.o.d.y battle between demons and humans will begin . This has become reality once more . These plain words held a subtlety that could only be understood when face-to-face . Although confronted by this reality, determination swelling in Crane’s heart .
“The attack by the Demon King’s Army will be beyond the imagination . Some of its members use Ancient Curses . Keeping them in consideration, we’ll probably only be able to keep the wall secure for a day or so . How many of the enemies can be reduced during that time will determine if this city will survive or fall . ” (Kaizelhan)
“Ancient Curse Spells are used by… Braument of “Reason,” and “Imperator”… a person named Veloce . But, I had fainted at the time . ” (Crane)
“Braument…Veloce…The situation has changed a lot since two years ago . Speaking of ‘Imperator,’ I believe Renoir Vie Atmosphere was the name of the warrior who I fought to the death against previously . ” (Kaizelhan)
“…No, I can’t remember such a name . But, Kaizelhan, a fight to the death…?” (Crane)
“If the current holder has the same power as the previous Imperator…then, I would say it would be best if I could hold them off for half a day . Even putting forth all my efforts, we still will need to rely on the walls . It’s not an ideal situation . ” Kaizelhan sighed .
When people age are they no longer able to hide their fatigue? No, it’s only been half a year since Crane went on a journey, so he hadn’t aged that much . The cause of the sigh was something he could understand without thinking too much . In wartime, no one knew when they would die . The closer to the top, the heavier the responsibility for those deaths .
The battle is heavy for everyone . Those lives are heavy .
“Child of the G.o.d of Light, you are a hero for the people . Even if the fortress falls, we four Cardinals will not allow you to fall . ” (Kaizelhan)
“…huh?” (Crane)
“…Well, that’s right . You could say I am getting soft in my old age, but…you are like a grandson to me…Don’t die, Crane . ” (Kaizelhan)
“…Wha! Right!!” (Crane)
Once Crane nodded strongly, Kaizelhan left satisfied . His position is on top of the gate, the most important point . That too must be a heavy burden .
Crane glared forward, the violent winds disturbing his hair . “… Soon . ”
Breathing deeply, he gradually became calm .
Looking around, there were many Law Magicians who held a bow behind the wall to the left and right of Crane .
Picking up his staff from where it was leaning, Crane went back down into the inside of the city by the stairs along the wall . A handrail infused with Law Magic had been added to each of the stone steps, clearly designating its workmans.h.i.+p .
Crane’s job is to stop the incoming enemy in front of the gate . He will stand with the armed men who are prepared for battle, and this time he will stand with his gathered friends who have become stronger .
Once he stepped of the stairs, which was nearly two hundred steps, he is just beside the supply station for the wall defenses . He walked along the narrow street towards the gate . Cheers rose from the soldiers before him . They all know of the existence of the Kamiko of Light, and are inspired by his presence .
Because of what is behind him, he will definitely put his all into protecting it . He will always protect his home . Crane had made that decision before, which had brought him here now . He must win . He must keep it safe .
With determination in his mind, he turned to join the group of soldiers filling the highway before the gate . Walking along the road, he soon reached his circle of party members near the innermost end .
“Hey guys, you’re here early . ” (Crane)
“It’s Crane who’s late!” (Haruna)
“…We cannot afford to be late in battling with the demons . ” (Justa)
When Crane raised his right hand in greeting and joined the group, Haruna puffed out her cheeks and Justa wore a hardened expression . Even though he wants to help Justa find a solution to her situation, he hadn’t yet come up with an answer . He thought it would be a good idea to listen to her story again after the battle .
“How does it look outside the battlements?” (Rudius)
“Oh, yeah . There’s a lot . I’ve never seen so many in one place before . ” (Crane)
“Hmm, it’s going to be a tough fight . Plain power won’t cut it . ” (Rudius)
In this situation, it was Rudius who spoke the most professionally . With his folded arms, and red hair being swept by the wind, he gives off a determined air . In this area where many spears were held steady, it seems that even though the fight hasn’t started yet and his hair is tied up, there is a tense energy is expressed in his hair’s movement .
“Oh, are you really going without your usual sword?” (Crane)[1]
“Of course . I will absolutely not relent . ” (Rudius)
“I see . ” (Crane)
Rudius was excited . On his waist, there was no sign of the usual sword band and sheath that would normally be there .
When Crane opened his mouth to say something more about it .
A terrific vibration shook the world .
“What’s happening!?” Haruna screamed . As Justa crouched silently on the ground, Rudius stepped back and looked at the sky .
Someone shouted . “Look over there!!”
It was impossible to tell if someone had pointed at the sky, because there were so many people crowded together . Yet, they understood immediately, and everyone looked up .
High above the castle gate, on the other side of the wall . Although it was small in the sky, there was a person sitting in the air . Haruna and Rudius did not know who it was . But Crane was different . He could not forget that unusual dark magic he had once been intensely surrounded by .
“How annoying . ” (Veloce)
It was not a loud voice at all, but somehow her voice echoed far . It resounded throughout the city as if through multiple loudspeakers . A frilly umbrella was in her hands, which she swung to point towards the castle gate without any hesitation, and jet black magic poured out of it . What followed was a quake .
The great tremor was the same as the one before . This was the second time she had used such a strong magic . The fear that was felt was especially strong in those who also practiced magic, as this was a magic that could not be activated unless there are ten Law Magicians gathered .
“Imperator…!!” Crane bit his lip .
On the wall, many Law Magicians started to cast spells . Perhaps, the Demon King’s Army are already marching towards the walls . If they do not hold them back, the siege will begin soon .