Vol 2 Chapter 9 (1/2)
Chapter 9
Volume 2 Chapter 9
Imperial Capitol Gransil I [Ta-Dah, it’s an Interview]
Hiragi was somehow kidnapped.
And one of the pearls had been consumed by that stupid brute Desiree.
Currently I had secured one in my pocket, but the trauma from absorbing one has still not faded. It is true that I had grasped it in my hands, but…It won’t be absorbed from my hand, right? Right?
Well, next time I see Desiree, I will kill him. Beat him to death. Because of that guy’s Divine Phenomenon, my right ear was still bleeding.
I had broken the walls of his inst.i.tute to my heart’s content, but he had gone above and beyond by coming at me with Maximum hatred. At that time I will seriously kill him. I will not forgive you Desiree.
Putting that aside, I am running right now not to continue my journey, but for Hiragi. That is why I’m rus.h.i.+ng to the Imperial City Gransil right now.
I don’t really get it…but when I touch my chest, the path to her is still connected. There is no effect on our bond of magical power, and it seems like nothing has died. I can’t explain it well. From the tone of Yatano’s words, it seems unlikely to continue well.
Jumping and leaping over the trees, I remember earlier times.
All the way back to when I helped that little vampire girl named Flare Reel in the abandoned mine. Around that time I was feeling frustrated because I hadn’t traveled far enough and so I didn’t know if, or when, I was going to be killed by the protagonist Crane’s party.
I do not know what errand Hiragi was on, but it is unexpected timing that the magic librarians would attack at that moment.
Eh, what? Perhaps the timing had been planned, when I think about it carefully.
Only four of the ten magic librarians in the world had gathered in a single small town? How horrifying is that!
Huh. I did not think Grendel would come out with the other magic librarians. (TL: probably because he a.s.sumed he would be with Crane’s party and not cross paths with him much?)
The distance between the water city Mermila and the Imperial City Gransil is about to the extent that I can reach it tomorrow if I run at this speed.
Even if I do not sleep one day, the body of a demon is st.u.r.dy enough that I will still be at full strength, so there is no need to worry about that.
But the question left is why Yatano-chan bothered to tell me that Hiragi was kidnapped to the Imperial Capitol. It seems that she was worrying about whether she should go to the capitol herself, but is it really because of fate that my companion was also alive? (,因縁のある相手も生きてたのかね) Not only are there existences such as Yatano-chan, there may be some powerful others who know Hiragi, and who do not put value on life.
Perhaps that man from Hiragi’s mutterings is still alive. What was it again, Talos? Not only does Hiragi seem to have a reason to visit him, even Talos wanted to bring her to him. But to abduct her…no no, just come and see her yourself man.
Hm, but is that really the case? Talking about Talos, wouldn’t it be impossible for the emperor to go himself?
Even so, I think there are almost no good reasons for abducting Hiragi and sent to the Capitol of the Empire, which practices demon exclusion. Oh, he sent a magic librarian because it needed to be secret?
I do not know how many magical librarians are in the capitol right now.
In the end it is necessary…I think it will be necessary to absorb the pearl.
I don’t want the pain. No way.
That guy Desiree consumed a pearl piece and for some reason was fine. Even if you are a man of magical librarian cla.s.s, it’s c
razy to take in a pearl piece. Thinking about such a thing, it will cause an imbalance of power in the Empire.
Even now, comparing the forces of the Empire with the other three countries is foolish.
If four people from the top of the magic librarians form a party and confront the demon castle, it may be possible for them to break through, although three of the four might die.
The problem is the Demon King, and the two beside him, of the Four Heavenly Lords.
Even through the graphics of the game, it was awesome. The demon who sat on a dark throne, and the two guys “Imperator” and “Wheel” standing on both sides. (TL: Imperator refers to a victorious commander under an Emperor, and could also be translated as Mentor) Those three people that included the Demon King were absolute monsters, and the other two came out just as the four party members cried out “We only have the Demon King left!” after defeating the Four Heavenly Lords.
I remember fondly how we were annihilated twice. (TL: gotta grind those levels bro)
The Grimoire Lancer series was very popular, and even a trading card game was produced, but the characters belonged to these divisions.
Demon King’s Army, Empire, Federation, and Other.
Basically the world is mainly made up of the first three. The Federation is the name that collectively includes four nations; The Professor country, the Princ.i.p.ality, the Kingdom, and the Republic (only in appearance).
The “Town of Demons” and the “Multi-phased” (異相) make up the characters that are put together in the Other division. Basically they aren’t tangled up in the main story, so they are in their own grouping.
Well, other than that there were only the three divisions. The Empire as well as the Demon King’s Army had the strength to challenge the world by themselves. (TL: while the Federation needed to combine to compete)
Unlike the Demon King’s castle which cannot even be infiltrated without the seven keys, the Empire, however, must prepare for invasion from other countries. So it had overwhelming strength against everyone except against the Demon King’s Army.
Oh, by the way Hiragi and I were not even made into cards. After all we are only mid-bosses, though [Mad Wizard] Gaius was a Demon King’s Army card.
Um except isn’t there a problem with that story?
That’s right, it is because of that $*&%# idiot Desiree.
Even though the current situation is of balanced power, his existence may disturb it.
“Unless he is killed, it’s going to be a huge pain that disrupts the balance…” (Shuten)
I think that affiliating with the Demon King’s Army is impossible, but I feel awkward at the fact that my cla.s.s changed so much with just one bead. (魔王軍所属はありかなーとは思ったが、珠片一個時の俺クラスがうじゃうじゃ居るってだけで気が滅入る) I will fall if challenged by a group, but because of their battle ethics they seem to be battling like a normal person so far. (TL: meaning, probably, that not only do they fight one-on-one but that they don’t pull out their special skills until necessary) I did not mean to shoulder such power, though both sides may end up talking about me.
Between the Demon King’s Army, the Imperial Academy, the Adventurers a.s.sociation of the Brave, and the Crusaders (TL: pretty sure this is referring to the Kingdom’s knights), among others, Grimoire Lancer is a series with many intervening forces.
I also thought that it might be bad to belong to something, as none of these groups seem to suit me.
Because more than anything else, it is the most fun to continue to travel.
For that, let’s quickly retrieve my companion!
Looking at the thick branches step by step of the trees, I leap. In this way, you can jump farther by putting more force on your legs when landing on trees. In order not make a mistake and hit a tree, it is important to choose a high enough target within sight.
Even in the forest, with the small amount of light provided by the stars combined with a demon’s night vision there is nothing I cannot see.
I had already gotten used to this method of movement which was difficult at the beginning.
It is much quicker to jump and leap rather than just running on the road.
“Excuse me~” (Human girl)
*Jump, Jump, Jump*
“Umm, could I could trouble you with some questions?” (Human girl)
If I push myself a little longer, I should be able to rest before arriving at the capitol.
“Do you think you could answer?” (Human girl)
It is not good to jump around so much with my back burdened by the Demon Slayer over my right shoulder.
“Oh, for my introduction there is this thing.” (Human girl)
Ah yes, yes a business card.
“There is a human traveling at the same speed as mee!?” (Shuten)
“Oh, you didn’t notice? Excuse me.” (Human girl)
*ottto* (sfx for losing balance) Woah.
In spite of what I just said, I almost collided my face into a tree trunk. And what was this?
I looked at the business card I was suddenly given. As expected it did not have something so high-tech as a face photograph that could be found in my previous life.
『Demon King’s Army Commander – Veloce Vie Atmosphere』
“Huh!?” (Shuten)
I looked straight at the girl in front of me.
Her appearance was that of an unforgettable blonde twin-drill. She wore a Gothic Lolita dress with a mini skirt, a ruffled umbrella probably not big enough to protect her from the rain, and tall high heel boots.
About 15 years old, she was a few years younger than me?
There was no doubt she was that number 3 of the Demon King Army.
“Can you please answer a little questionnaire? We have been interviewing the fiercest people in the world~” (Veloce)
“Why is a demon leader of the Demon King’s Army casually in the Empire!?” (Shuten)
“No, I’m a human being~. I am currently being chased by the 4th and 6th Seats, but I’m about to lose them anyway. Above all I wanted to meet you.” (Veloce)
We continue forward while talking.
She has continued freely speaking with me, but I do not slow down the pace. I am not as confident in my speed, but I am not too balanced.
“Me?” (Shuten)
“That’s right~. Callously beating up that Gaius and then escaping at an impossible speed…but for today I came to scout for the Demon King’s Army~” (Veloce)
“Scouting for the Demon King’s Army!?” (Shuten)
Since she appeared, a feather pen and scroll – that came from who knows where – was scribbling words without any tension.
“Yeah, our forces are a bit limited right now. After all, the hope is that demons that have been mistreated will come. Ah, right now a spot among the Four Heavenly Lords has emptied, so that option should also be taken into consideration. The monthly pay is 200 million gold. (TL: gold might also be something like ‘garde’ ガルド) (Veloce)
“There was something like a salary in the Demon Army!?” (Shuten)
“That’s right~. Recently there has not been enough land to give to his subordinates, so the Demon King has been making money by selling parts of his own possessions.” (Veloce)
“It’s tougher than I thought!! This Demon Army is tough!!” (思った以上に世知辛い!! 世知辛いよ魔王軍!!) (Shuten)
“Well, mostly since these are things treasured in other countries, they sell for a high price. We are fine for now, but I wonder if we can continue to do so.” (Veloce)
I didn’t want to hear the background of the Demon King’s Army.
The gentleman behind the one sitting in the throne, with his head in his hands worrying about the labor costs for his subordinates…I didn’t want to hear about it. Geez, I didn’t want to know.
“What do you call yourself?” (Veloce)
“What a smooth transition back into the interview! I am the Oni Shuten. My favorite food is rare grilled liver.” (Shuten)
“Well, I like people who are highly adaptable~. So, what do you think of the world today?” (Veloce)
“It’s super fun.” (Shuten)
“Ho~ isn’t that surprising?” (Veloce)
Every time I answer a question from Veloce, the feather pen in the air will scribble something elegantly on the scroll. Meanwhile I never slowed down the pace towards the Empire, but it seems to have no effect on her.
Nah, well since there is no hindrance to movement, answering her questions is no trouble.