Vol 1 Chapter 12 (1/2)

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Hana Flower Forest II [Pearl Piece Position]

After the situation where the people of the Imperial Academy were turned to charcoal, even the Nine-tails had left, leaving me alone. The smell of burnt humans filled my nostrils, but the fact none of the surrounding vegetation was ignited showed the nine-tailed girl’s and skill despite the fire power. Though I still don’t know if the dark uniforms from the Imperials earlier are emblems of the Imperial House. (帝国書院の暗部連中も、先ほどの一件で撤退したのかは分からないが人影一つ見当たらない。)

“It’s quiet. I can’t even hear birdsong…It’s probably because a monster integrated a pearl piece.” (Shuten)

Now, where should I look for it?

I re-shoulder the Demon Slayer and look around again.

In this forest where tree trunks as thick as my arm span gather in crowds there is nothing that could be called a road. Stepping over the roots and bushes, I proceeded by the sunlight filtering through the foliage.

The reaction from the pearl piece is not far.

I think it is better to fight one-on-one with a monster as an opponent. That said, [Ah! There is a demon among the monsters! Let’s fight it together!] It is said that you cannot be thwarted if you have a spear by your side. (なんて横槍を入れられたら目も当てられないということだ。) (TL: in other words, he wants a comrade/companion I guess)

For the time being, not including collateral damage, I’d rather not be disturbed.

Of course, I still need to raise my level, even though just by taking a single pearl piece my ability was enhanced from mid boss to a Las-Dun’ (Last Dungeon) cla.s.s creature.

Even if a small fry enemy around here has taken in a pearl piece, I can’t imagine how strong it will be.


I proceed for awhile in response to the pearl piece’s reaction.

“…Uwa.” (Shuten)

Then, as if it were cut off, part of the ground was gouged out roughly. I think it is about 3 meters in radius. Even if three people were lined up end by end, still more could fit. The surrounding trees were also mown down as if by a powerful wind storm.

“…What a terrifying guy.” (Shuten)

I can probably do it if I try. However, there is no trick comparable to an opponent capable of this.

“…the G.o.ddess-chan put it too lightly. It seems the difficulty of collecting the pearl pieces is higher than expected.” (Shuten)

My battle experience was severely lacking, and honestly speaking this scene chilled me.

It is not enough to fear. However, without a doubt the scene before me was definitely overwhelming and especially eerie considering the culprit wasn’t currently visible, and I can only think that I won’t be able to reason with it.

“…It’s no wonder nothing has been done yet.” (Shuten)

Even so, I still have confidence in my ability to escape.

If I hold the Demon Slayer, I can restore my wonder and serenity. It is an indescribable feeling, the settling that comes from a demon holding the Demon Slayer.

Like this, I stepped into the gouged ground.

Hmm, It doesn’t seem to have been cut out by some kind of magic. To put it this way, it seemed as though it was scooped out by a huge excavator…

It was at that time while I was deep in thought. The reaction from the pearl piece rapidly approached. I felt a chill behind me.


As I jumped, the ground cracked at the same time. It is not an underground attack, but a crack from something cras.h.i.+ng into the ground—- what on earth is it?

While turning through the air I observed my surroundings.

It was there.


itely a monster. Behind where I was. A monster with four legs and huge jaws.

The silhouette is similar to the small fry monsters; however, with its huge size it’s like a rocky mountain.


“F*%&#*%” (Shuten)

Aiming at me who does not have a reliable foothold, the monster snaps its big mouth as it closes the distance. The strength of the front paws causes the ground to shake even with a single step of its whole body.

At this time I noticed exactly what it was.

“It’s just the shape of a shovel dog…!” (Shuten)

The Demon Slayer was swung back to counterattack.

With one downward hit I intended to squarely cut off the fangs from the attacking jaws.



“tch” (Shuten)

Perceiving the danger, it suddenly halted and leapt back. At its combination of the lightness from its original cute shape with its giant monster form, my eyes widen.

Oi oi, that’s foul play.

But seeing how light it is on its feet, I can now understand how I did not even notice it until it was right behind me.

“…Without a doubt this guy has taken in a pearl piece.” (Shuten)


With its natural danger perception instincts it seems to be intimidated by me–no, the Large Chiinu is glaring at the Demon Slayer I carry. (TL: or Dekakuchiinu. As far as I can gather, “Deka (Big) ku(?) chi(little, like from ‘chibi’) inu (dog)” is the name for this monster)

Without moving, it watched me sharply with bloodshot eyes.

Rather than insane, it is totally committed to burying the enemy before it…It’s a feeling like that.

In any case, the G.o.ddess nee-chan said the atmosphere would be crus.h.i.+ng but that is probably a mistake.


“Wait a sec” (Shuten)

After jumping to a thick tree branch, I was finally at the same height as the Large Chiinu.

Opening its mouth like a bridge, it looked upward and crashed its chin vigorously into the tree I was standing on. Although I was able to escape difficulty since I jumped to another tree just in time, it seems like it hitting the tree was considerably painful.

But this is certainly clear. The ground that was gouged previously, that is because of the jaw of Chiinu. Originally the shovel dog uses its protruding jaw as a shovel to dig up the ground and fill with food to last through winter hibernation. Their main hunting strategy is also to push animals up with their chin.

“…First, I need to take care of those jaws, right?” (Shuten)

But this kind of power. If I defeat this guy, the level-up looks delicious.

Also, Crane is currently not strong enough to stand up to these teeth. It would be game over after one hit.

I was really glad I could handle it first.

“And so, die quietly like an adult, shovel dog.” (Shuten)

The main team dispatched from the Imperial Academy agency to subdue the unusual monster was in chaos due to the report from the failed advance party. As head of the subjugation force sent to investigate the unusual monster that appeared in Hana Flower Forest, Grendel the tenth seat of the magic librarians headed over 50 people waiting to enter the forest. Then from the scouts came the report that “a demon and Nine-tails appeared and the advance party was destroyed.”

Since when has the Hana Flower Forest contained such enemies?