Part 27 (1/2)
”It sounds simple.”
”It is. The difficult part is finding it.”
”And you have done that?”
”I have. Or I'm practically certain I have. At any rate, I know that I have discovered the ditches made by the Spaniards three hundred years ago. If there was gold there in those days there is apt to be gold there now. Only it isn't on the surface any longer. They cleaned up as far as the surface is concerned, so I have to sink shafts and dig tunnels.”
”I see. It isn't so simple as it used to be.”
”It is, practically, if you have any knowledge of mining.”
”Well, what's your trouble?” asked Kirk. ”Why did you come back? Why aren't you out there grabbing it with both hands and getting yourself into shape to be a walking gold-mine to your friends? I don't like to see this idle spirit in you, Hank.”
Hank smoked long and thoughtfully.
”Kirk,” he said suddenly.
Hank shook his head.
”No, it's no good.”
”What is no good? What do you mean?”
”I came back,” said Hank, suddenly lucid, ”with a wild notion of getting you to come in with me on this thing.”
”What! Go to Colombia with you?”
Hank nodded.
”But, of course, it's not possible. It's no job for a married man.”
”Why not? If this gold of yours is just lying about in heaps it seems to me that a married man is exactly the man who ought to be around grabbing it. Or do you believe that old yarn about two being able to live as cheaply as one? Take it from me, it's not so. If there is gold waiting to be gathered up in handfuls, me for it. When do we start? Can I bring Ruth and the kid?”
”I wish we could start. If I could have had you with me these last few months I'd never have quit. But I guess it's out of the question.
You've no idea what sort of an inferno it is, and I won't let you come into it with your eyes shut. But if ever you are in a real tight corner let me know. It might be worth your while then to take a few risks.”
”Oh! there are risks?”
”Risks! My claims are located along the Atrato River in the Choco district. Does that convey anything to you?”
”Not a thing.”
”The workings are three hundred miles inland. Just three hundred miles of pure Hades. You can get all the fevers you ever heard of, and a few more, I got most of them last trip.”
”I thought you were looking pretty bad.”