Part 12 (1/2)


”My father would naturally never consent to it. As soon as he hears of what has happened he will forbid it absolutely. Kindly dismiss from your mind entirely the idea that my sister will ever be permitted to marry you, Mr. Winfield.”

Steve, in the gallery, with difficulty suppressed a whoop of surprise.

Kirk laughed ruefully.

”Aren't you a little premature, Mr. Bannister? Aren't you taking a good deal for granted?”

”In what way?”

”Well, that Miss Bannister cares the slightest bit for me, for instance; that I've one chance in a million of ever getting her to care the slightest bit for me?”

Bailey was disgusted at this futile attempt to hide the known facts of the case from him.

”You need not trouble to try and fool me, Mr. Winfield,” he said tartly. ”I know everything. I have just seen my sister, and she told me herself in so many words that she intended to marry you.”

To his amazement he found his hand violently shaken.

”My dear old man!” Kirk was stammering in his delight. ”My dear old sport, you don't know what a weight you've taken off my mind. You know how it is. A fellow falls in love and instantly starts thinking he hasn't a chance on earth. I hadn't a notion she felt that way about me.

I'm not fit to s.h.i.+ne her shoes. My dear old man, if you hadn't come and told me this I never should have had the nerve to say a word to her.

”You're a corker. You've changed everything. You'll have to excuse me.

I must go to her. I can't wait a minute. I must rush and dress. Make yourself at home here. Have you breakfasted? George! George! Say, George, I've got to rush away. See that Mr. Bannister has everything he wants. Get him some breakfast. Good-bye, old man.” He gripped Bailey's hand once more. ”You're all right. Good-bye!”

He sprang for the staircase. George Pennicut turned to the speechless Bailey.

”How would it be if I made you a nice cup of hot tea and a rasher of 'am, sir?” he inquired with a kindly smile.

Bailey eyed him gla.s.sily, then found speech.

”Go to h.e.l.l!” he shouted. He strode to the door and shot into the street, a seething volcano.

George, for his part, was startled, but polite.

”Yes, sir,” he said. ”Very good, sir,” and withdrew.

Kirk, having reached the top of the stairs, had to check the wild rush he was making for the bathroom in order not to collide with Steve, whom he found waiting for him with outstretched hand and sympathetic excitement writ large upon his face.

”Excuse _me_, squire,” said Steve, ”I've been playing the part of Rubberneck Rupert in that little drama you've just been starring in. I just couldn't help listening. Say, this mitt's for you. Shake it! So you're going to marry Bailey's sister, Ruth, are you? You're the lucky guy. She's a queen!”

”Do _you_ know her, Steve?”

”Do I know her! Didn't I tell you I was the tame physical instructor in that palace? I wish I had a dollar for every time I've thrown the medicine-ball at her. Why, I'm the guy that gave her that figure of hers. She don't come to me regular, like Bailey and the old man, but do I know her? I should say I did know her.”

Kirk shook his hand.

”You're all right, Steve!” he said huskily, and vanished into the bathroom. A sound as of a tropical deluge came from within.

Steve hammered upon the door. The downpour ceased.