2 Another Lie 1 (1/2)
Years flew by and Abbe was in the middle of his high school years.
”Dad I would like to introduce my girlfriend Lilith.”
”Pleasure to meet you, I'm Abbe's father but you can call me Memo.”
”A pleasure to meet you as well sir,” Lilith states with a bright smile on her face.
”I have somewhere I need to be so I'll just Abbe to treat you well.” Placing the headphones around his neck he walks out the front door after hearing goodbyes from both Lilith and Abbe.
”Where is your mother?” Lilith wondered out loud,
Abbe frowned, reluctant to answer. They stood in silence for moments before he answered, ”I don't know, never met her.”
”What do you know about her?”
”Very little, only a project from back in elementary school.”
”Let's try and find her.” She suggested.
”Let's go find your mother.” Her eyes like the aurora lights,
”No, if she wanted me to know her she would have come to meet me herself.”
”Can you truly accept such a fate?” She tempted,
Abbe didn't reply. Him not replying was a show of emotions in and of itself.
”Let's go. We have to start at the beginning. Do you still have the story from your childhood?”
Abbe nodded and led her to his room and took out a dust-free and creased piece of paper from his dresser. Lilith read it over and with a smile shook her head, ”This is all a lie. Every word of it is likely a lie, expect few parts.”
”I expected as such. Never wished to admit it though.” Abbe confessed with a hung head.
”From the looks of yourself and Memo, I would a.s.sume the lines of her being beautiful are true. Your father has brown hair and green eyes contrary to your blond hair and blue eyes. Your body shapes are completely different yourself being slim and tall, while he is much more naturally athletic and broad. It's almost like he isn't your father.” Lilith explained.
Abbe laid on his head his eyes staring at the white ceiling. When he spoke his voice was soft and slow almost distant, ”He may be a liar but he is my father.”
Lilith was saddened at hearing how he spoke with such a hesitant-esique voice but spoke words of strong conviction. ”Okay let's use the information we have to find some kind of clues about your mother.”
”How do we do that when we know my father's words to be lies?” Abbe pondered his gaze still held by the ceiling.
”Your father is an author, so we have to take his words like we would a child narrator. Everything may be lies but there is a form of truth behind them.” She elaborated,
Sitting up Abbe smiled taking the paper in hand, ”I believe you're right. Okay, let's start at the beginning. We can a.s.sume he was a bad student from the opening words, I don't think he was in college though.”
She nodded in agreement, ”How many colleges require a student to go to tutoring? He went to a local small liberal arts college as well and from when I was looking they didn't seem like those types of professors.”
”He may have been in high school.”