3 Dear Sister (2/2)

When I Saw You My_Day 12580K 2022-07-22

It's warms your heart, like drinking something hot on a cold day.

And when she smiles, it makes your day more bearable.

When she laughs you feel like you could do everything.”

I took a deep breath and sighed before saying, ”You would've liked her, she's a really kind girl. Loves art like you did.

I think you would've been something like her.....

Or maybe you would have a prolonged rebelion phase,” I said, chuckling.

”Father and Mother are the same as always, working as hard as they can to help pay my college funds.

You know, people want us to go to college, but if you don't have the money then you can forget about it.

As the saying goes, money makes the world turn round....

I hope you're in a better place, a place where prince charmings exist to wipe you off your feet and bring a smile to your face.

Where lakes stay crystal and trees stay whi. Where the air smells like gra.s.s, or the pine of the forest, the saltiness of the sea.

A place like those fairy tales you always talk about.

Where we don't resort to another animal to drink milk, where we don't force animals to give birth, just to eat their babies.

But is there really a place like that?

If so...how did we end up like this?”

I let out a sigh, I often came here to talk about such things. She was one of the few that listened to me when I was young and my words held no weight.

”Anyways, I'm going to a party in a few days. I don't think you would've enjoyed such a big one like that....But hey, if your rebellious phase got worse, I'm sure you would've.
