6 Side Chapter (1/1)
It was night and I went to my garage to start my car. I realize something strange about the roads. There were no cars or people. I checked my phone it was 9 pm.
It wasn't usually so empty and quiet at 9. But I just thought maybe it was one those days when everyone got a day off. So I continued driving.
As I was driving my car I turned on some of my favorite music and sang. Yet things began to turn creepy as I began to see creatures that were covered in blood and could fly up. I became terrified and started driving faster and faster until I left them behind.
As I was approaching the office there was this close road sign. I got off my car kicked the sign down because I was in rush and I had no time for a stupid sign.
As I was about to get in my car, I realize the word on the front of my window saying ”killer.” This frighten me so I got inside my car immediately. And tried to start my car. It was failing to start so I was stuck there for a very long time.
Suddenly a person knocked on my window. Soon 6 other people came along. all of them very close to my car. Then just a bunch of them climbed on top of my car trying to break inside. I was panicking and began to call 911 yet my phone that I swear was charged when I took it with me was now dead.
I saw another car and was very relieved because I knew someone could help me escape.
No, it was this man. Tall and all purple clothing. Hurried to the front of my car and took out a newspaper and he put it very close to my window. I read it. It said, ”121 people killed in a car accident. It's all my fault.
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I immediately began to cry and cry asking them for forgiveness. I promised i would never drink and drive yet they didn't stop. I asked and asked yet they wouldn't leave. The tears began to turn to blood and blood began to pour in as i began to drown. Not knowing whether is it mine or theirs.