Chapter 1830 (1/2)
Chapter 1830: Tenshou Surrenders
Luo Puti, Luo Qiongcang and the rest of the Saint Duke entourage were bowled over!
The person as er was shaking like a leaf thinking about the possibility of Chen Xiaobei being fro hi his family’s name but now realized that not only did Chen Xiaobei have no reason to fear theh to tear his fa nearly soiled his underwear thinking about it
Like hi
Why were these six major forces in the Tenshou Palace?
Why did these formidable people have so much respect for Chen Xiaobei?
Where were all the Tenshou people? Wugui Osama would never have allowed outsiders to set foot in his territory like that!
“Don’t be shy, everyone Let’s go in!” Chen Xiaobei said, leading a still disconcerted Luo Puti into the palace
The six major forces followed them
The people of Saint Duke all trailed behind the what to think
The groupDeck which was a landmark and also the tallest structure in the capital city
At night, on this sky-scraping tower, one could al stars from the vast, endless yonder of space
Elevators took everyone up to the highest floor
The entire level was a deck with hundreds of LCD screens mounted on the walls on all sides of the room!
The screens displayed secret military facilities such as military camps, arest screens were up to ether
“Xiaobei… What is all this?” Luo Puti asked
Everyone stared at Chen Xiaobei They wanted to hear his answer too
“There’s no rush!+” Chen Xiaobei shrugged “Liancheng! Go invite the star of the show to the stage!”
“Yes!” Ao Liancheng hurried downstairs
After a while, the elevator dinged before the doors opened to reveal Ao Liancheng with up to a hundred men!