Part 16 (1/2)
”This will help if you need something to hold on to.”
A second later, his mouth was back on hers for one more kiss before he began to run kisses over her face, her eyelids, her earlobes slipping between his teeth for a split second before he drew a small moan of pleasure from her at the flick of his tongue against her neck.
Even as she relished every single second of his attention, every one of his kisses, Vicki couldn't believe it.
Not any of it.
Was she really naked beneath Ryan Sullivan? Was he really kissing her this pa.s.sionately? Had she already climaxed, fully clothed, on his couch, with another o.r.g.a.s.m hard on the heels of the first if he kept kissing her like this?
And had he figured out the truth about her...that the slightest restraint and the gentle command spoke to all of her hidden desires?
Her ex-husband's crowd had derided her for not joining in their drug-fueled s.e.xual explorations, but the thought of getting down and dirty with any of them had made her sick to her stomach. They'd called her a prude-her husband most of all-and she'd let them. Thank G.o.d she'd never dared bare her desires to Anthony after those first few years when he'd seemed blissfully happy just to be with her.
She tensed at the thought that she should be doing a better job of keeping her secrets from Ryan, too.
He lifted his mouth from the underside of her arm, where he was pressing soft kisses, and stared down at her, his eyes so dark with need he stole her breath away all over again.
”You just tensed up.”
He was that in tune with her body? She'd barely stiffened, but Ryan had noticed.
”Have I done something you don't like? Am I being too rough? Do you need me to try to be gentler?”
She swallowed hard as she shook her head. ”You know just how much I'm liking everything you're doing.”
G.o.d, she hated the way she kept flus.h.i.+ng practically every time she looked at or spoke to him, but she was still trying to make sense of what they were doing. Even more, though, she hated letting her ex into this glorious moment with Ryan for even one single second.
She wouldn't let it happen again.
Turning her full focus back to her gorgeous friend, she said, ”I'm guessing I'm going to start liking it even more soon.”
His grin came back then, and she swore it had to be the s.e.xiest combination in the world, those dark, intense s.e.x-eyes with the infectious smile.
”Good guess.” He stole a kiss, nipping at her lower lip hard enough to sting in the most delicious way. ”What about that? Still good?”
She worked to catch her breath. ”Yes. Still good.”
She loved getting another smile from him, realized she would have done practically anything at that point to get more.
He moved so that his lips were on the underside of her breast. The kiss came first, and then the slight pinch of his teeth on the incredibly sensitive flesh. His tongue licked out over the small hurt before he lifted his head.
”What about that?”
”Mmm,” was all she could manage as he moved to give her other breast the same delicious attention. Finally, she managed to get the word, ”Good,” out of her mouth.
But then, oh G.o.d, he was moving lower, his lips kissing a path of goose b.u.mps that turned into little licks of fire down the center of her stomach.
She wasn't embarra.s.sed at the way she'd come against him earlier when he'd been playing with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and they'd been grinding together. But she already knew the second that wicked mouth of his made it between her legs, she wasn't going to have a prayer of holding back a second time.
What would he think of her going off again so soon? Would he think she was desperate and hard up? Or, worse, would he finally realize that sleeping with him was her number one s.e.xual fantasy of all time?
Sure, he'd told her he'd fantasized about her as a teenager. But she could easily discount that-everyone knew teenage boys couldn't control their hormones around any girl with a heartbeat. Plus, as his garage-buddy, she'd been the only girl in school who was off-limits to him in that way. No doubt that had done funny things to his head, a cla.s.sic case of thinking you wanted what you couldn't have.
No question about it, she needed to mentally prepare herself for the press of his lips against her core. Of course she was going to enjoy it. How could she not? But this time, she wouldn't let herself lose all sense.
She'd make sure she kept at least a small piece of herself secret. Private.
Another little bite of Ryan's teeth against her belly brought her out of her dark thoughts and she couldn't help but wonder if he was doing it on purpose to keep her from spinning off too long, too far, while they were together.
”If I had champagne I'd drink it from you,” he said right before he licked a decadent path down to her belly b.u.t.ton. ”Right here.” He moved lower and slightly to the side to lave her hipbone. ”And just below here.” With obvious intent, he moved to the other side of her hip. ”Here, too.”
How, she wondered helplessly as he played with her all-too-willing body, was she possibly going to make good on the silent vow she'd just made?
”Tell me, Vicki, would you like that?”
His voice was low. Raw with desire. And so d.a.m.n sensual that she was practically coming apart again at nothing more than the way he was stringing words together.
”Would you want me to pour it between your b.r.e.a.s.t.s and make you lie still until you're all clean again with nothing but my tongue?”
Seriously, was he trying to kill her?
When she didn't answer quickly enough, he nipped at her again, this time just below her belly b.u.t.ton.
”Yes,” she gasped, ”I'd like it.”
She caught the flash of his smile, heard him say, ”Good, because I'd love it,” before he lowered his head again.
All the while his mouth had been torturing her, his big, strong hands stroked down the undersides of her arms, and then her back, before moving beneath her hips and cradling her. He turned his head and pressed his cheek against her stomach, holding her like that for several long moments.
Vicki felt beyond precious-and so incredibly safe. And then, in a split second, one small s.h.i.+ft of his thumbs against the insides of her thighs replaced safety with a spike of arousal so intense she was almost afraid of the power of it.
A heartbeat later, his mouth was on her and as he slicked over her with his tongue, slow and sure and so wonderful, all thoughts of fear or safety disappeared as if they'd never been there at all. She heard herself cry out as if from far, far away and her hands slipped from the couch arm as she came apart again, falling down deeper into pleasure with every pa.s.s of his tongue, with every wave that wracked her, radiating from her core and over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, then down her limbs to the tips of every finger, to her toes.
The pleasure was sweet and heady and she felt better than she'd ever thought possible.
A moment later, Ryan was lifting her off the couch and heading for the stairs. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in the crook of his neck. He smelled like s.e.x and sweat and Ryan.
If she could have bottled his scent, she thought with a sleepy satisfaction, she'd surely make millions.
She could hear the hint of laughter in his voice as he quizzed her on whether she'd enjoyed herself, and she smiled back even as she licked at his salty skin.
Oh, but he was yummy. She took another taste before finally answering him. ”Really good.”
”It was really good for me, too,” he told her as he kicked open his bedroom door, laid her down on the big bed in the middle of the room, and quickly stripped the rest of his clothes off.
For the past week, every time she went to sleep in his guest room, she'd dreamed of being here instead. Only, even in her dreams she hadn't come close to the reality of just how gorgeous he was completely naked.
”Great,” she said without thinking, ”you've just ruined me for anyone else.”