Chapter 14 (2/2)
Stark naked,.
”Err… Lina?” Eh! What the h.e.l.l did I call her out for?! If not calling her, then what am I supposed to do? I don't fricking know how to handle this kind of situation.
Lina sent a smile to him. Jeremy walked closer with careful steps. ”Didn't… err… didn't you say that you're the type that can't stand the cold?” That's what you're bringing up?! Ooi Jeremy!
”Haah. How about you warm me up?”
This girl can't be serious?!
Jeremy became flabbergasted. Cool, Jeremy, cool…
Jeremy sat at the end of the bed, where Lina's legs had started sweetly rubbing his thigh. Oh this is severe!
”Lina what's wr - ”
Before he even finished his sentence, Lina suddenly jumped at Jeremy and kissed him. Jeremy was stunned - but before he got carried away and kissed Lina back, he held both of Lina's shoulders and distanced their bodies.
”Lina… I…”
”You're not straight. Understood. But just one night? Please?”
”Okay - one, you can't say whether I'm straight or not as even I don't know. Two, what's wrong? This is so sudden.”
Lina snorted. She got up and started dressing on by one. Jeremy tried holding her hand. ”Hey…”
”Let go!” Lina snapped.
”Eh! What's wrong?”
”You're what's wrong! Not even knowing whether you're straight or not. When it's served right in front of you - you rejected!”
Jeremy held Lina's arm, tighter this time. ”Served? You're talking about yourself as a serving, Lina? What's wrong with you?”
Lina was silent.
”Lina… what's wrong with you?”
Lina sat on the bed, shaking her head. Jeremy sat beside her. Lina sighed.
”I… don't know why. I'm… just like this…”
”Like this… how?”
”I… need to feel it? You understand? I need to get a round or two before I recover. If not, I'd start remembering the s.h.i.+tty things in my life. But if I do it, I'll feel calm.”
Jeremy clammed up.
”Yes, I know. I have a problem. It's not that I've never read about it. I know what I am, okay?”
Jeremy hugged Lina - he felt that the hug wasn't unreasonable. It's just to calm her down. ”If you know you have a problem, that means that you're already moving towards a solution. It's just that, I feel that there's something even worse than that. This is just a way for you to cope with it.”
”I know. I've read about it.”
”You're all talk! What's the point of just reading of you don't practice it?” Jeremy sounded back.
Lina made a face.
”If you just want to have a round or to, then I've got no problem. But I'm just afraid that you can't handle my ferocity later.”
Lina pinched Jeremy. ”You're so bad, My…”
”Bad but s.e.xy, right?”
Lina laughed. Laughter in tears. And Jeremy kept hugging her while she cried - and told him her problems with her family that night.
Today, I just felt so sleepy. Other than during and eating, I had been sleeping all day. So that’s why, bear with this one chapter, okay?
Well, hope you had a good read.