Part 10 (1/2)

”It's regulations, sir. Here, let me help you.”

”No! I'll do it myself.”

”No ... that one goes through here.”

”Wait, uh....Okay.”

Ridiculous. There's nothing to be afraid of. Seat belt isn't too tight-doesn't hurt. Why should putting on the d.a.m.ned seat belt be so terrifying? That, and the vibrations of the plane taking off. Anxiety all out of proportion to the situation ... so it must be something ... what?...flying up into and through dark clouds ... fasten your seat belts ... strapped down ... straining forward ... odor of sweaty leather ... vibrations and a roaring sound in my ears.

Through the window-in the clouds-I see Charlie. Age is difficult to tell, about five years old. Before Norma...

”Are you two ready yet?” His father comes to the doorway, heavy, especially in the sagging fles.h.i.+ness of his face and neck. He has a tired look. ”I said, are you ready?” ”Just a minute,” answers Rose. ”I'm getting my hat on. See if his s.h.i.+rt is b.u.t.toned, and tie his shoelaces.”

”Come on, let's get this thing over with.”

”Where?” asks Charlie. ”Where ... Charlie ... go?”

His father looks at him and frowns. Matt Gordon never knows how to react to his son's questions.

Rose appears in the doorway of her bedroom, adjusting the half-veil of her hat. She is a birdlike woman, and her arms-up to her head, elbows out-look like wings. ”We're going to the doctor who is going to help you get smart.”

The veil makes it look as if she were peering down at him through a wire screen. He is always frightened when they dress up to go out this way, because he knows he will have to meet other people and his mother will become upset and angry.

He wants to run, but there is no place for him to go.

”Why do you have to tell him that?” said Matt.

”Because it's the truth. Dr. Guarino can help him.”

Matt paces the floor like a man who has given up hope but will make one last attempt to reason. ”How do you know? What do you know about this man? If there was anything that could be done, the doctors would have told us long ago.”

”Don't say that,” she screeches. ”Don't tell me there's nothing they can do.” She grabs Charlie and presses his head against her bosom. ”He's going to be normal, whatever we have to do, whatever it costs.”

”It's not something money can buy.”

”It's Charlie I'm talking about. Your son ... your only child.” She rocks him from side to side, near hysteria now. ”I won't listen to that talk. They don't know, so they say nothing can be done. Dr. Guarino explained it all to me. They won't sponsor his invention, he says, because it will prove they're wrong. Like it was with those other scientists, Pasteur and Jennings, and the rest of them. He told me all about your fine medical doctors afraid of progress.”

Talking back to Matt this way, she becomes relaxed and sure of herself again. When she lets go of Charlie, he goes to the corner and stands against the wall frightened and s.h.i.+vering.

”Look,” she says, ”you got him upset again.”


”You always start these things in front of him.”

”Oh, Christ! Come on, let's get this d.a.m.ned thing over with.”

All the way to Dr. Guarino's office they avoid speaking to each other. Silence on the bus, and silence walking three blocks from the bus to the downtown office building. After about fifteen minutes, Dr. Guarino comes out to the waiting room to greet them. He is fat and balding, and he looks as if he would pop through his white lab jacket. Charlie is fascinated by the thick white eyebrows and white moustache that twitch from time to time. Sometimes the moustache twitches first, followed by the raising of both eyebrows, but sometimes the brows go up first and the moustache twitch follows.

The large white room into which Guarino ushers them smells recently painted, and it is almost bare-two desks on one side of the room, and on the other, a huge machine with rows of dials and four long arms like dentist's drills. Nearby is a black leather examination table with thick, webbed, restraining straps.

”Well, well, well,” says Guarino, raising his eyebrows, ”so this is Charlie.” He grips the boy's shoulders firmly. ”We're going to be friends.”

”Can you really do anything for him, Dr. Guarino?” says Matt. ”Have you ever treated this kind of thing before? We don't have much money.”

The eyebrows come down like shutters as Guarino frowns. ”Mr. Gordon, have I said anything yet about what I could do? Don't I have to examine him first? Maybe something can be done, maybe not. First there will have to be physical and mental tests to determine the causes of the pathology. There will be enough time later to talk of prognosis. Actually, I'm very busy these days. I only agreed to look into this case because I'm doing a special study of this type of neural r.e.t.a.r.dation. Of course, if you have qualms, then perhaps...”

His voice trails off sadly, and he turns away, but Rose Gordon jabs at Matt with her elbow. ”My husband doesn't mean that at all, Dr. Guarino. He talks too much.” She glares at Matt again to warn him to apologize.

Matt sighs. ”If there is any way you can help Charlie, we'll do anything you ask. Things are slow these days. I sell barbershop supplies, but whatever I have I'll be glad to-” ”Just one thing I must insist on,” says Guarino, pursing his lips as if making a decision. ”Once we start, the treatment must continue all the way. In cases of this type, the results often come suddenly after long months without any sign of improvement. Not that I am promising you success, mind you. Nothing is guaranteed. But you must give the treatment a chance, otherwise you're better off not starting at all.”

He frowns at them to let his warning sink in, and his brows are white shades from under which his bright blue eyes stare. ”Now, if you'll just step outside and let me examine the boy.”

Matt hesitates to leave Charlie alone with him, but Guarino nods. ”This is the best way,” he says, ushering them both outside to the waiting room. ”The results are always more significant if the patient and I are alone when the psychosubstantiation tests are performed. External distractions have a deleterious effect on the ramified scores.”

Rose smiles at her husband triumphantly, and Matt follows her meekly outside.

Alone with Charlie, Dr. Guarino pats him on the head. He has a kindly smile.

”Okay, kid. On the table.”

When Charlie doesn't respond, he lifts him gently onto the leather-padded table and straps him down securely with heavy webbed straps. The table smells of deeply ingrained sweat, and leather.


”She's outside. Don't worry, Charlie. This won't hurt a bit.”

”Want Ma!” Charlie is confused at being restrained this way. He has no sense of what is being done to him, but there have been other doctors who were not so gentle after his parents left the room.

Guarino tries to calm him. ”Take it easy, kid. Nothing to be scared of. You see this big machine here? Know what I'm going to do with it?”

Charlie cringes, and then he recalls his mother's words. ”Make me smart.”

”That's right. At least you know what you're here for. Now, just close your eyes and relax while I turn on these switches. It'll make a loud noise, like an airplane, but it won't hurt you. And we'll see if we can make you a little bit smarter than you are now.”

Guarino snaps on the switch that sets the huge machine humming, red and blue lights blinking on and off. Charlie is terrified. He cringes and s.h.i.+vers, straining against the straps that hold him fast to the table.

He starts to scream, but Guarino quickly pushes a wad of cloth into his mouth. ”Now, now, Charlie. None of that. You be a good little boy. I told you it won't hurt.”

He tries to scream again, but all that comes out is a m.u.f.fled choking that makes him want to throw up. He feels the wetness and the stickiness around his legs, and the odor tells him that his mother will punish him with the spanking and the corner for making in his pants. He could not control it. Whenever he feels trapped and panic sets in, he loses control and dirties himself. Choking ... sick ... nausea ... and everything goes black...

There is no way of knowing how much time, but when Charlie opens his eyes, the cloth is out of his mouth, and the straps have been removed. Dr. Guarino pretends he does not smell the odor. ”Now that didn't hurt you a bit, did it?”