Part 38 (1/2)
'I can stay five minutes, tops.'
'Yeah, okay, okay.' He prowled around the room. It was like he was a preacher working on a sermon in his head. Then suddenly he rounded on me, stabbing at me with his index finger. 'So, get this. A guy's been working on the screenplay of Missouri Crossing.'
'I thought you told me you'd be writing it yourself?'
'Yeah, it was suggested. But I'm busy working on my current novel so I don't have too much time to spare. Anyway, the money men have done their stuff. The whole thing's been green-lit. There's going to be a movie! We got some very special folks on board, including someone who is mega-famous to play me.'
'You always said the hero isn't you.'
'Well, he's kind of me.'
'Who is this famous actor?'
'I can't tell you his ident.i.ty. It's still embargoed. But I've met with him and I can tell you that the guy is A-list and h.e.l.l is he excited!'
'Great,' I said, and wondered who was going to play my father, if anyone could do the b.a.s.t.a.r.d justice, which I rather doubted.
'You and Lex, you'll both be at the premiere,' he added, picking up one of the books and starting to page through it.
'I can't wait,' I said. 'I'll get to meet a bunch of movie actors and other famous authors, a ton of VIPs?'
'You bet.' He glanced up from the book to look at me. 'You forgot to say congratulations.'
I saw how he was smiling his holy-cow-I've-made-it-G.o.d-in-heaven-how-I've-made-it smile, and suddenly I couldn't stand to carry on with this charade a single moment longer.
'You and Lex,' I said. 'I know.'
'You do?' He turned his smile off like he just turned out a flashlight. 'Who told you, Tess or Lexie?'
'Does it matter?' I stood up to leave. 'You are a piece of s.h.i.+t.'
'Yeah, I guess I must be.' He sighed, but then he smiled again, and this time it was his old smarta.s.s, boy-I'm-brilliant smile, the one he keeps for younger female journalists and attractive graduate students. I am irresistible. I am hot s.e.x, come fly me. 'But I'm not the first, you know,' he added. 'Lexie has been cheating on you since she was sixteen.'
'What did you say?'
'You heard me.'
'You're a liar.'
'It's the truth, I swear. Patrick, my old buddy, I might be a piece of s.h.i.+t but I'm a s.h.i.+t who always tells the truth. It's what novelists do. We tell the truth. Lexie is a tramp and she's had lovers by the score. As for those two kids I doubt they're yours, and I-'
It was like I hit a bowling pin. One second he was on his feet, the next flat on his back. His flew up into the air, the book he had been holding spun out of his hand, and he lay there on his Persian carpet, blinking up at me.
'Get up,' I told him.
'Why, so you can knock me down again?'
'Get up, I said!'
'Okay, but let me take it nice and slow, in case I got me a concussion?' He rolled on to his side and maybe thirty seconds later he managed to sit up. 'Wow, that was some punch,' he added as he rubbed his jaw. 'Pa.s.s me my'
'Say please.'
'Please, Professor Riley.'
I picked the up and saw that they were broken. 'Do you have a spare pair?'
'They should be in the top left drawer.' He pointed to his desk and then he struggled to his feet. 'Man, those babies cost eight hundred dollars and that's without the lenses.'
'I guess they were insured. So who did Lexie-'
'Oh, the usual suspects jocks, homecoming kings, cla.s.s presidents and later guys at work. Then the more attractive, more successful, richer fathers in the PTA. Guys with glitz and glamour who were up for one night stands.'
'Why did I not know? Why didn't I notice anything?'
'You were always working. The ladies don't like playing second fiddle to a guy's career. I tried to warn you, didn't I?'
'When did you try to warn me?'
'It must have been last August, last September, when Lex took up with Mr Wonderful, or what the h.e.l.l you call that British guy. I said you'd been with Lexie way too long and you should find somebody new, go play the field yourself, instead of storming round the place and being mad at everyone.'
'I was mad at Lexie and her lover. I was desperate my kids should not be hurt. But you're saying Joe and Polly aren't my children?'
'Maybe, maybe not so how does any father know?' He smiled a slow and sly and secret, clearly wince-inducing smile. 'When Joe and Poll were born, you didn't get a DNA test, did you?'
'So you're telling me that you-'
'No, of course I didn't, haven't Pat, calm down. I went to bed with Lexie once, and that's the honest truth.'
'You're not the father of my children, swear to G.o.d?'
'You have my word. Pat, you only have to look at them to see we're not related. h.e.l.l, I shouldn't have said what I just did. Those kids, they have your face, your eyes they're yours, poor little b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.'
'Yeah, I guess they must be.' Suddenly, I felt so sick, so tired. I wished I hadn't hit my friend, betrayed myself, done what I'd told myself I'd never do, no matter what the provocation. 'Or maybe I don't care who fathered them. Joe and Polly they're my children, even if their mother fooled around with other men.'
'Of course you would say that. You might be a smart-guy scientist, but you're a romantic too, and romantics don't do very well in this cruel world. Pat, like I just told you, Alexis is a tramp. She'll go with anyone. She isn't worthy of you, never was and never will be. You should head off back to the UK and tell that Denham woman she's-'
'She's none of your business!'
'Yeah, okay, let's change the subject. I was thinking, maybe I should call up Tess and tell her that I'm fixing to have some therapy for s.e.x addiction? The guy who's going to play me in the movie, he was saying while he was in therapy-'
'You don't need any therapy. You're a two-bit serial adulterer, plain and simple. You never could resist it when it's offered on a plate. You're never going to change.'
'So I guess I'll have to live with it?'
'I guess you will.' Now I could see the damage to his face was quite impressive. When he went down, he must have caught his cheekbone on the corner of his desk. 'But, whatever I should not have hit you. I apologise. You want to hit me back?'
'I'll take a rain check.' He rubbed his reddening cheek and jaw and winced. 'So I was telling you about this movie. They're looking at locations and casting all the minor parts right now. I was thinking I could maybe play a little role? A bartender, perhaps? The younger version of the father? When he was young, your daddy must have been a real cool dude? A magnet for the chicks? He worked the fairgrounds, didn't he, and rode the rodeo? I'd have to dye my hair, of course. Your father's hair was black.'
I walked out of his office and was halfway down the pa.s.sage when I heard his voice again. 'Hey, Professor Riley?'