Part 28 (1/2)
DAN: Just a friendly call.
MRS. BRAMSON: You seem very far away, dear. What's the matter with you?... Dan!
DAN: Bit of an 'eadache, that's all.
MRS. BRAMSON: Doesn't make you deaf, though, dear, does it?
MRS. TERENCE: Now, now, turnin' against the apple of your eye; can't 'ave that goin' on----
_A sharp knock at the front door._ DAN _starts up and goes towards the hall._
MRS. BRAMSON (_to_ MRS. TERENCE): See who it is.
MRS. TERENCE (_at the front door, as_ DAN _is about to push past her_): Oh ... it's only the paraffin boy.... (_To the boy outside, taking a can from him_) And you bring stuff on a night another time.
DAN _is standing behind_ MRS. BRAMSON'S _chair._
MRS. BRAMSON: I should think so----MRS. TERENCE _comes into the room._ DAN _strikes a match for his cigarette._
MRS. TERENCE (_with a cry_): Oh! Can't you see this is paraffin?
(_She puts the can on the floor just inside the hall._)
MRS. BRAMSON: You went through my side like a knife----
MRS. TERENCE: If people knew what to do with their money, they'd put electric light in their 'omes 'stead of dangerin' people's lives.
_She goes into the kitchen._ DAN _stares before him, the match flickering._
MRS. BRAMSON (_blowing out the match_): You'll burn your fingers!
Set yourself on fire! Absent-minded!... I woke up all of a cold s.h.i.+ver.
Had a terrible dream.
DAN (_mechanically_): What about?
MRS. BRAMSON: Horrors.... I'm freezing. Get me my shawl off my bed, will you, dear?... (_As he does not move_) My shawl, dear! DAN _starts, collects himself and smiles his most ingratiating smile._
DAN: I am sorry, mum. In the Land of Nod, I was! Let me see, what was it your highness was after? A shawl? No sooner said than done.... You watch me! One, two, three!
_He runs into the bedroom._
MRS. BRAMSON: Silly boy ... silly boy....
OLIVIA _comes in quickly from the kitchen. She is dressed to go out and carries a suitcase._ Where are you off to?
OLIVIA: I--I've had a telegram. A friend of mine in London's very ill.
MRS. BRAMSON: What's the matter with her?
OLIVIA: Pneumonia.